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Posts posted by SFNE Fan
I'm getting out of school tomorrow!
To make it worse, it's replaced with a Chinese rip-off of Son of Beast!
I can't think of anything to put here
The Wiener House (which was damaged in the explosion) was torn down and turned into a theme park...
The FitnessGram Pacer Test is a multistage aerobic capacity test, that progressively gets more difficult as it continues. The 20 meter pacer test will begin in 30 seconds. Line up at the start. The running speed starts slowly but gets faster each minute after you hear this signal [beep]. A single lap should be completed every time you hear this sound. [ding] Remember to run in a straight line and run as long as possible. The second time you fail to complete a lap before the sound, your test is over. The test will begin on the word start. On your mark. Get ready!… Start.
A picture of Polandball, one of my favorite comic characters
Or, it could be built for '03 or '04, as there are already a couple similarities to X. Think about it, it was planned around the same time and it was be the last coaster made by a defunct manufacturer. And that coaster would eventually open. Also, I doubt that that update would be put out in the first place if nothing is coming at all. And, there's a question mark in the update's name, so...
But then, a flying donkey in a hamburger costume (who was allegedly the first one with the idea) burst through the door and yelled "You guys ripped me off!" and the two sides went to war...
To make it worse, all houses for sale are smaller than yours!
Spring Break is ending soon
I like where this park is going, it's pretty cool!
Guess I'll have to wait then...
El Starfish and Batwing?
J. Geils, of The J. Geils Band not too long ago
El Starfish and Haunted Ranch?
El Starfish and The Joker Inc?
October 1993
Hi, Maxwell here again, and in the past 6 months, Mississippi Plains has started to become a theme park. I was able to get a sneak peek inside, so without further ado, let's see the park's progress!
I can see trees...
Yep, the park hired a few landscapers to spruce (pun intended) everything up. They did a beautiful job if you ask me.
Anyhoo, lets get to rides. This is Gravitron, a round up.
Here we have a scrambler named Dirt Devil.
Up next is House of Mirrors, a family oriented dark ride
There is also Mississippi Acres Mini Golf, a golf course (go figure).
For those of you willing to pay an extra , there is AquaWheels, where you ride one of those water trike things on the river.
And if you're hungry, and need to sit down, you can grab a bite to eat at The Old Schoolhouse Cafe.
But most important of all, is Chaos, an Arrow Boomerang coaster!
A sketch of what the ride will look like when complete. I cannot wait to ride this one!
Some of Chaos' parts waiting in the back.
And for those of you wondering, the trams are at the moment only being used for tours.
That's all I have for now, so see y'all on opening day!
-Max S.
The Grouch
Just to let you know, timeline parks require a lot of effort and time to pull off properly. If you're outright acknowledging you don't know where you want to go with this, you might want to rethink it. If you do go through with it, I have a few suggestions that should help you out:
-Landscaping. Learn it. Use it. Love it. Trees, scenery, pretty much anything! Play around with the scenery in game and get comfortable with the various sets, or consider importing some custom scenery. Whatever you do, play around with the scenery and see what you can do with it! Don't leave your park bleak and empty. Even with a baseline update like this, there should be some landscaping to help fill in what you're planning on doing.
-Start your park small, and then go big. Working with less at first will make theming a much less daunting task as opposed to jumping straight into the big stuff and realizing you're in way over your head. Going with the giant tram route at this point might be a bit much.
-Finish your park little by little. Focus on what needs to be spruced up and finished before you try to add more. Don't try to rush and overly expand; you'll only make everything look half-@ssed, even if you're trying to put effort in.
-Figure out your story ahead of time. When I was working on my park, I made a point of thinking ahead 3 updates so I knew what to add, what to take screenshots of, and how to present them. Set a goal with where you want to go, then develop the story to work the park toward it.
Thanks for the advice, I'll definitely take all that into consideration!
Flying Donkey apocalypse, so the Zombie Flying Donkeys fought the humans until the humans became Flying Donkeys, and joined their side and fought...
I'm surprised this thread hasn't been locked yet...
[RCT3] Six Flags Connecticut Kingdom - The Final Update
in Roller Coaster Games, Models, and Other Randomness
I think that with Hurricane gone, we can probably expect a hyper, maybe one similar to the cancelled one from '02