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Posts posted by SFNE Fan

  1. Before I begin this park, I must give HUGE credit to RCTgo user Stillnix, who made this scenario. I will be using their park, but everything else is completely original. The link to the scenario pack in which this park came from is here: https://rctgo.com/downloads/view/7513



    Hi, my name is Maxwell Spades. I am a single father and blogger, who writes entries for the local newspaper. In my hometown of Carthage, MS, the local Mississippi Plains Pool Center has been purchased by an investor, who plans to turn it into a theme park.



    Me and my son, Rowan.


    The park's entrance. Currently, this place is pretty empty.


    The main pool area.


    And here's the (at the moment) crown jewel, FloRider!


    It's your basic waterslide, but the GP seems to love it.


    I feel so bad for this girl. That must have been horrible!


    There is also Swamp Express, a tram ride.




    Those screenshots showed some of the other tram stops, where more attractions will be built in the future.



    And also, the park is having a contest, where people can submit in some roller coaster designs and what flat ride types they'd like to see, probably because the park's management is just plain lazy and can't come up with anything themselves, so you can submit some ideas if you'd like. Anyways, that should be about it, so see you again when construction starts!

    -Max S.

  2. I've been playing The Sims 3 recently, got the game in November, and have been hooked ever since. I never knew how fun it would be to burn an entire house down and watch sims die all because of burning waffles!

  3. Vinesauce Joel Land with rides like Swan Dive, an Intamin Reverse Freefall with swan boat cars that derail at the top, Popo, a ridiculously fast Launched Schwarzkopf coaster, Free Pizza poisoned with C4s, a "maze" called Don't Get Lost, and a racist bumper car ride with oriental music called The Asian Driver Experience where the ride operator says "Oh Herro, you want to ride the bumpah cah?"

    Oh, there are a few you forgot about: Succ, a train ride with hypercoaster cars, F*ck, an Intamin Giga coaster that goes really fast and has lots of helixes, and The Pukeathon, a Schwarzkopf Launched Coaster that twists and derails

  4. Which King Felicianus Carl of the Flying Donkeys killed in anger, because he named Kentucky Kingdom's new coaster Windstormtempestwhirlwindgalesquallcyclonetornadotwisterdustdevilduststormrainstormthunderstormthundershowermonsoon

    typhoonhurricanetropicalstormhailstormsnowstormblizzard: The Ride, which was a clone of...

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