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Posts posted by Hoppy

  1. Last concert I was in the audience was due to a random last minute extra ticket some friends had to see Lady Gaga -I wasn't sure it would be my crowd, but her show was very entertaining especially her freaking amazing piano set...


    Last concert I was backstage was a big festival over the summer meeting Switchfoot, Audio Adrenaline, Newsboys, Family Force 5, We As Human, Skillet, etc...I was part of the fireworks crew who put up the finale choreographed to Skillet's performance. Man they are sweet especially the beautiful violin player.

  2. You can do both in two days! I've picked up friends from DTW, and had a coaster marathon weekend before with no issues to CP and KI - just be prepared for little sleep, and your favorite cup of Joe (if you usually drink coffee) ... there are really good donuts & cheap coffee too at "Jolly Donut" while you are minutes away from CP...


    Recently, a few from here joined me and we also hit CP and KI over the weekend recently - no traffic, peaceful atmosphere. Everyone agreed, The Beast and Diamondback have been really great rides especially at night - there are many other rides at KI that are worth a few extra hours driving...might as well put those 'unlimited miles' to good use!


    I may may also be at CP Sunday... I'm shooting a fireworks shoew Saturday night a few hours from DTW.


    Most of all, enjoy the Fall here in the Midwest to the fullest. Sounds like you have everything planned.

  3. Looks like I've got an opportunity this week during my STL visit Thurs-Sun to drive an extra 3-4hrs to SDC - why not for Outlaw Run?


    That's my question to folks here who are well aware about this National Harvest Festival and how the crowds are for the weekends. Reading some reviews, it seems like quite a ton of people travel for all the extra activities but they seem dependent on particular weekends in SEPT and OCT even though the festival runs Wed-Sun for both months. Hopefully they are all too busy with the horses, cowboys, music/concerts and extra activities all day to care less about Outlaw Run, PowderKeg, and the many other great thrill rides?


    I'll be taking a break from the fireworks competition I am involved at in St Louis and figured why not head to SDC since that will be the closet I'll ever be until the next fireworks competition Sept 2014. Or, I can go back to the City Museum with a few friends and see how much fun/mischief we will get into before the beer samples call our names...SFStL will be too packed full of folks for the Halloween event, plus I noticed not a whole lot changed from when I went to a few years back before each museum/maze became an (extra charge) on top of everything else.


    Opinions/suggestions/recommendations are welcome...also, if anyone finds that Branson, MO Ticket voucher deal that is supposed to help save money on admission, that would be greatly appreciated! I've looked around, but must not be looking hard enough - most likely too tired...ok, goodnight!

  4. Hey everyone --


    After lurking for a few years and meeting a few folks here through other hobbies, I figured it was time to join up. I've been so busy with life after college that time has slipped by quickly, however that will not deter me away from my love of roller coasters. Before today, you would find me reloading the 'Theme Park Review Forum Index' many, many times a day waiting for the next updates on park news or TR's...looks like I'll spend more time in the Forum now.


    I'm a 27 SWM looking for a SWF ... oh, that's for another forum or site perhaps!


    Like many others, I love intense rides and new thrills, meeting new people, and traveling the world. If you want to know more, just ask!


    Random notes:

    • TTD > KingdaKa (Lapbar > OTSRs)
    • Skydiving was definitely one of the coolest experiences
    • The best time of my life was visiting Japan!
      -- Of course I had to make it to Fuji-Q for that elusive 2nd 4D coaster credit -Eejanaika
    • One of my other hobbies is making fireworks - the art of pyrotechnics is priceless



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