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Ducky dude

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Posts posted by Ducky dude

  1. Wow! That's strange, At the speed of Iron Rattler I would expect it to make it through. But I was riding it on Tuesday and it was going REALLY slow, And superman was even having a hard time getting out of the station!

    I just found out that the cold weather increases friction between the rails and the wheels.

    And does iron rattler have polyurethane wheels? If so, then friction + polyurethane = A valley. < At least I think.

  2. ^ Yeah, which makes me wonder why they would let someone with no limbs ride a HYPER COASTER!!!

    I'm sorry, but, to me its just common sense.


    He was a veteran, which made it a "damned if you do, damned if you don't"-type PR situation. Let the dude on, and, well... the worst-case scenario occurred. Follow protocol and deny him access, and there's a very high chance that either he or his family will get pissed and go to the press about it, which leads to such wonderful things as "Disabled Veteran Denied Ride On Roller Coaster", which is probably an even worse PR issue and leads to such wonderful things as large-scale boycotts, lawsuits, and a general trail of horrible PR.



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