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Ducky dude

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Posts posted by Ducky dude

  1. http://www.kens5.com/news/Pandemonium-roller-coaster-lives-up-to-its-names-Inclement-weather-blamed-for-coaster-stopping-in-mid-air-249368331.html

    SAN ANTONIO -- Some passengers aboard the Pandemonium had to be rescued nearly an hour after the ride stopped working this weekend.

    KENS 5 has learned it took 46 minutes for the San Antonio Fire Department to pluck two adults from the ride and harness them down to safety last Saturday.

    With it being Spring Break, KENS 5 asked what was done to ensure the ride is safe now.

    Park officials said the Pandemonium ride is now running normally, following a thorough safety inspection.

    The spinning-style coaster has open-air cars that seat up to four passengers and rotates at a moderate speed.

    Six Flags Fiesta Texas said the inclement weather last Saturday evening was determined to be a factor and one car did not complete its normal ride cycle causing it to stop mid-point along the track.

    The coaster company Gerstlauer Amusement Rides is aware of KENS 5's investigation but has not yet replied to our questions.

    The two adults Saturday were not injure

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