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Ducky dude

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Posts posted by Ducky dude

  1. ^ I'm not too sure about how big the crowds will be, as no one can really know. If the parking lot has cars 10 parking rows behind the security tower, than a flash pass might be smart. But wait to buy one till you get to the park. Hitting every coaster without a flash pass can be done (I've done it before), but again, it depends on the crowd. For what ride to ride first: Iron Rattler first, then work your way through the park hitting all the rides you want. If you wanted to do Iron Rattler twice, you can also ride it later, or twice in a row. (You will not wait ANY MORE than 1 hour and a half) The Iron Rattler crews are the fastest in the park, if the line is at the bottom of the switchback ramp in the queue, you should wait no more than 30 minutes. Doing Goliath and Boomerang last is your best bet.

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