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Ducky dude

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Posts posted by Ducky dude

  1. Even though I wish Iron Rattler was longer, the aritime, the first drop, the overbank turns, and the Cave, made the coaster ultimately the best I have ever ridden!


    Ride count:

    2x Iron Rattler

    4x Scream (back to back as the park needed riders to ride either SKC, SkyScreamer, and or Scream for helicopter shoot with Iron Rattler)

    12x Iron Rattler (back to back)


    Here is a picture Jeff had posted on Fiesta Texas Facebook page, which I was included in! (I'm in the gray in the middle of the train)


    yay! I was in that picture!

    But I was in the background so it's hard to see.


    Nobody's seemed to mention the double-up after the first drop and before the first overbank.

    How does that hold up?

    AIR! AIR! AIR!

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