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Everything posted by rclay2003

  1. This is probably SFMM's attempt to do a final push for season pass and membership sales...
  2. I really thought it was time for SFStL to recieve an RMC Raptor clone. This ride looks good nonetheless.
  3. Great job! I really like this mobile version. I guess the color scheme will get updated in version 2.0! Thanks to everyone who worked hard to make this possible. I can see myself getting lost in posts while at work...
  4. I am unable to rank in Chrome. There is nothing for Six Flags St. Louis. I don't think that it is necessary to have the "thank you" message pop up every time that I select a coaster that I have ridden. Great start and really cool idea!
  5. Congratulations! Thank you for all that you do! I am happy to be apart of this journey! Can't wait to see the channel reach 10 million!
  6. I love the feeling of being pulled by the rest of the train, so I'm going to have to go with the back seat! It's usually also a more intense ride.
  7. My favorite time of the year! Great updates; thanks a lot!!!
  8. I'm really excited about TC! This one may be better than any of the concept media!! It looks as though it's going to fly through the course.
  9. 1. Yes, on both 2. Yes 3. Videos & News 4. Full video 5. Thumbnails are pretty important. I normally will not click on a video without a thumbnail. 6. I'm not fond of the fb messenger app. 7.No. I enjoy all of the posts from TPR!
  10. Great addition to this wonderful Missouri park!!! I only wish that they had gone for a record breaking S&S Tower... one can hope! The theming seems spectacular!
  11. I like the whole wooden tilt coaster idea. It's revolutionary and can be a family-ish attraction. Can't wait until the big reveal!!
  12. I Was thinking the same thing!! Worlds longest wooden coaster by RMC would be awesome!
  13. I've been looking forward to this concept coming to fruition. This is an exciting move for this GA park. I also hope that this gives way to the largest one being built in Vegas (as it has been rumored).
  14. This is a good family addition to the park. I am looking forward to what 2015 will bring for SFStL; although, I don't think we'll be seeing the RMC treatment on the Boss (I kinda like it the way it is). I could see something replacing The Ninja in 2015 though!
  15. I have to respectfully disagree with this statement. I believe that while it is true that the GP doesn't care about the more un-noticeable changes an enthusiast would make, they would respond to the more full family experience that I believe TPR members would bring to the park; more so, there would be a positive shift because we are also committed to the full park experience for all park visitors which means that all areas would be improved: more diverse rides/ride categories, cleaner park, better trained staff and more theming. All of these combined would bring more profit to the park with a larger demographic and make SFMM a more viable competitor with the other large SoCal theme parks.
  16. GREAT UPDATE!! SFStL has been my home park since 2003. Glad to see this project do so well. Also glad to see the park get a positive review! I actually like this small park it has a really cool personality to it. I am also a fan of boomerangs so I am extremely glad to see, and hear, that it is much smoother. I am looking forward to riding this one soon!
  17. Thanks for all of the nerdy/geeky stuff! I'm into knowing all about coasters also!
  18. TPR is really making me regret not going on this trip!! The views are awesome, plus Rob got the best view when he climbed the GCI woodie. The sketchy rides even look awesome... in a I enjoy risking my life, and watching it flash before my eyes kinda way!
  19. LOL That confused the heck out of me too!! I'm really excited about this coaster, the backwards launch will be fun... While this coaster may not be as XTREME or high profile as some projects in the past; the gp will love it and it seems that it will appeal to a more broad range of riders.
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