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Giovanni Bianchi

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Everything posted by Giovanni Bianchi

  1. Well then ignorant Americans brought this hell onto themselves. The signs clearly state keep your back and head against the seat and headrest eh? Then agian. maybe it is the Spanish/Latino that can't read english. There should be a law, if you in America you must speak and read english eh?
  2. Im hungry. I read cheeto hunt. Can't wait to give this baby a ride!
  3. Then, after the locals flock to see it ONCE, they will start laying off employees. At least then the newly fired employees can get unemployment benefits instead of selling crack.
  4. Honestly, I did not ride megazeph till it's third or fourth year. It was not a good coaster. Reprofiling will be great. The alveys enen said, "it is rampy" and it is. Pretty boring. The first drop is the ride. The problem from the beginning is you need tourist. In it's original form there were shuttles to take you there from your hotel. It just didn't work. People don't go to New Orleans for a Theme park. The area it is in is Afro American and the white people will tell you not to go to the park because you will get shot or stabbed. I have personally been told it and talked to the locals. To draw out of towners it needs sometrhing BIG to draw people to the city specifically for the park. If it gets re openened i wish them the best of luck. I will believe it's longevity and success when i see it.
  5. I think control of the property and it's contents went to the city before SF started calling everything Goliath and Deja Vu.
  6. "Big Abdandoned Amusement Park Outside of New Orleans Discussion Thread" ^ It is funny though, made me laugh when i read it! ^ You do get my point though, but I see what you mean.
  7. This thread seems no longer relevant. Six Flags is completely out of the picture and no longer accountable for what happens to the old Jazzland site. Southern Star was originally going to open a park in Mississippi, but decided to save money buy rehabing the new orleans site. They attempted multiple times to aquire the site and failed. Why Danny Rogers seems to be forever linked to the sight is beyond me. The Southern Star offices have closed up long ago and the last news update on the website was nine months ago The old Jazzland site is now absolutely 100% the city of New Orleans property and responsibility. Seems this thread should be deleted or renamed to something more suited to the current time. Suggestions? Anyone? Give it a break! Ooops, already broken Give it a rest! Ooops, already rested for years. Ok, I could go on and on but I'll spare you.
  8. I was just being facetious. Always thought about how rides get inspected, but personally know that every existing problem can't be seen or found unless you take equipment apart and re build. Guess it does help though. It saddens me when these things happen.
  9. Isn't there a rule about triple posting? Thank goodness no one was killed. They should put a "seat out of service" sign on it and keep it running.
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