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Everything posted by Twitch

  1. New Elephant was a joke site that NE made a few years back for April fools day in 2007. Anyways, Awesome Park. Good luck at getting that accolade!
  2. CC9- Those supports look a little messy. Perhaps they could be cleaned up a little. I've just about finished this area of the park. Still need to terraform off to the right. The roof on the shooting gallery will not be that bright for long. What do you think of this shooting gallery?
  3. ^ Not quite sure what you mean by the last 1/3 of the ride. Did you mean this?
  4. So many people building Schwarzkopfs! I think I'll join in on the fun!
  5. The first thing that I did was write the CTR_Bahndaten without the program. (With Notepad and the models. There are examples in the CTR Creator folder. There is also a tutorial at RCT Lounge on how to do this. Just google search RCT3 CTR Creator tutorial). When that is done, save it and click on the button that says GUI for CTR_BahnDaten. It should bring up the CTR _Creator assistent. At the top of the window, "click open ride" and open the CTR_BahnDaten that you saved earlier. This should replace all of the ","s with "."s. For example, 16,000 becomes 16.000. When it's loaded, make sure that everything is right, and make any final adjustments and hit "Save Ride(*.txt)". It should save the information as a .txt document. Close the assistant and hit "Read CTR_BahnDaten.txt". Select that same notepad document, and then hit "Create Ride.ovls". Finally, hit "Install Ride.ovls in RCT3". Let me know if anything is not clear, and I will try to make it easier to understand.
  6. It is normal for the support killer to leave shadows on the ground. The best way to get rid of the shadow is to sink the support killer below the ground. Shyguy's World is a good place to look for any of the shyguy sets.
  7. I have the CTR Creator now, and I want to make CTRs. However, when I attempt to save the CTR, I get a message that says "16,000 is not a valid floating point value". It does this for all values. EDIT: Nevermind. I figured it out.
  8. Thanks! I am actually trying to create a coaster like Revolution at Magic Mountian. To my understanding, I would be able to use the CTR Creator to make a coaster with the mini coaster track but then switch to the looping coaster track when I select the loop from the elements index. Is this correct? If so, then I would like to know how to do this. Thanks in advance.
  9. Any thoughts on the entrance? I would also like feedback on the queue and station for this coaster.
  10. I use invisible paths to kill wood supports. The only problem that you would have is with the landscaping. EDIT: Does anyone know how to make a single track invisible while still having another track visible?
  11. I think that this is a great park overall. There are some things that I noticed. +The parking lot looks great. +The entrance building is very warm and welcoming. That is exactly how an entrance building should be. +The ride designs: Specifically, the coasters all look as if they could be in a real park. -Path covers are great, but when they are used as much as this they can become monotonous. It would be great to vary the path types a little. It might also work in your favor to add a few curves here and there. Ninety degree turns generally don't look good. -Most of the buildings look a bit like boxes. They also lack the details that would give each building it's own identity. -The foliage, like the paths also seem a bit monotonous. Parks don't only have trees. It would really help your park if there were more bushes and flowers. I would love to see a full overview.
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