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Everything posted by Naina21

  1. I used to have a friend that I went to parks with. Anything I rode with him I was laughing while he was screaming like a little girl....so it wasn't really the ride that gave me the giggles, but his reaction to the rides.
  2. Could it be headed to Dollywood? I71 and then I75 just south of Cinci would take it in that direction. Or I71 to Louisville and I64 to St Louis... Plenty of places that track could be going.
  3. I'll be driving up for Coastermania. This will be my 3rd one.
  4. Trying to find out if Brandon, my employee, has heard if it will be a B&M or Intamin, but he is busy. Here is his quote: I know when I was at Cedar Point, when they signed on to do Wicked Twister, they signed for 10 coasters with Intamin.
  5. Looking forward to riding this one when I get there on the TPR trip
  6. I have an employee who used to work for Cedar Fair's marketing department. He still has friends there. He said that he has heard that it is going to be a giga coaster going in.
  7. The only deal is the group rate for the Fast Lane pass and that varies based on the day. For the normal admission you might want to try the local Meijers - usually can get tickets there cheaper than at the gate. So you could probably save some money there.
  8. I know that Kings Island is using the same card as last year, so once I paid online to renew, it is active for this year.
  9. I really need to make it to more parks in the US and elsewhere. Kicking myself now as when I lived overseas I didn't even think about amusement parks in Europe....all the fun I missed. Maybe someday.
  10. I can't wait for the next part. I really wish I had gone on this trip and you are only on the first day.
  11. I love skycoasters, but I do hate paying the extra price for them.
  12. Almost regretting not signing up for the Mexico trip. Maybe next time. The spinning coaster looks fun. The pregnant lady walk-through.....there aren't words to describe it. lol
  13. I live here, and my throught is that I'll believe it is happening when the gates open to the public and the rides are running. Until then, I haven't really followed the news about it. I would love to have a park here in town, but then again in the several years I lived here that it was open, I only went twice.
  14. Same here, I have been posting to facebook daily, sometimes twice and I have had more TPR people donate than my friends that I have known for awhile. Of course the same thing happened last year, I had one friend donate and the rest was the great people of TPR. If only I was allowed to ask around at work, I know I could hit my goal easily.
  15. I also saw Testament last week, but in Cincinnati, OH at Bogarts. I have been to 3 shows there....all three times has been to see Testament. lol As always, Testament put on a great show. Flotsam and Jetsam was good, as was 4Arm. Since Cradle of Filth didn't make it to the US, not sure what my next show will be. Maybe Anthrax in April.
  16. I would pick the 1 horse sized duck - Why? Because it would be easier to fight 1 big duck than 100 little horses. Plus I would like the chance to tame the duck and try to get it let me ride it while it flies around.
  17. I have a great offer to anyone who likes hockey and is within driving distance of Columbus, OH. The first person who donates a minimum of $40 I will give you my ticket to one[/u ]of the following games - your choice: March 3 vs Colorado March 9 vs Detroit (I know Detroit fans will drive to Columbus) March 16 vs Pheonix I know I won't make the drive up there 3 weekends in a row, so I am willing to give up my ticket to one of them. If you were to buy this ticket it is $50 + $9 in fees, so a $40 donation is a great deal!
  18. Now just give it over night (maybe sooner) and the banner will magically appear. Glad I can help.
  19. Snow yesterday, 50's today, snow tomorrow. The weather has no idea what it wants to do here.
  20. OK I'm going to quit complaining about it being $3.64 - $3.69 here in Louisville, KY after seeing some of the much higher prices listed.
  21. Just put the link in here to your page, and the magic banner fairy makes one and adds it automatically.
  22. Looks like I am the first one to sign up for Kings Island for TPR. I had a blast last year and it was a tough choice between KI and CP. https://www.firstgiving.com/fundraiser/stacygretchenTPR/KingsIsland2013 Well looks like I am the very first one to sign up at KI for any team or individual. lol
  23. Just saw Sister Sin and Doro tonight. Excellent show and Doro was very nice and too the time to sign everything and pose for photos even though she was under the weather tonight.
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