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Posts posted by xmichellex

  1. Just got back from a day at the park a few hours ago... here's a mini TR:


    * The weather was pretty crappy most of the day... showers with breaks of sun followed by more showers. It turned out Ok though, because the showers were pretty light (except for one big downpour) and almost all the rides remained running during the rain. After 6pm, the park began to empty and most rides ended up being total walk-ons the rest of the night.


    * The crowds were light due to the weather, so that combined with our FP helped us get on everything we wanted multiple times and even let us hit up the water park for a couple hours (we were already wet anyway, so why not!?)


    * HOLY CRAP - I rode the Cyclone in the back seat for the first time in about 15 years because I had to know what everyone's been talking about (I've obviously been on since then, but not in the back seat), and I finally experienced that crazy ejector air on the first drop... it's pretty violent!


    * Thunderbolt was running AWESOME in the rain, but it was the most annoying line since they were only running one train.


    * Bizarro was running awesome all day, rode it a bunch alternating front and back seats. It was pretty much a walk on by 7pm since the park was mostly empty. People were just getting off the ride and running around getting back on. Pretty sweet.


    * Batman was down in the morning, but opened up fast enough. The corkscrews were a little rough, they really shake you in a couple spots. I still love Batman though... the zero-g roll is my favorite inversion in general, and Batman's is a pretty good one.


    * I came to the conclusion that I hate Mind Eraser more than the Roller Coaster at NYNY. I swear that coaster gets worse by the minute.


    * Flashback was down most of the day. When it was open, it had little to no line... hmm... wonder why...


    * Overall, the weather didn't prevent us from doing anything and the park wasn't really full so we had a great day!

  2. This whole 2 boomerang thing is still so weird to me... They obviously are 2 different experiences, but not by *that* much. I liked Deja Vu and I'm sure it will go over VERY well, but... ugh... I just wish SFNE had more than just a few really good coasters (mainly Bizarro [obviously] and Batman). I feel like Flashback, Mind Eraser, Cyclone, and now maybe Deja Vu are just a group of "ok, which ride sucks the least to go on?" Granted, I don't remember Deja Vu being rough back in '03, but I don't know how it's aged. I am glad we are getting a coaster to replace Shipwreck Falls though - never been a fan of those rides and if they can fit a fairly intense compact coaster there then I'm good with that... I would love to see Flashback gone in the next few years and maybe get a cool flat to replace it.


    I guess I'm also in the minority when it comes to the Cyclone. I've been riding that thing since I was tall enough to ride it, when the park was still Riverside, and it used to terrify me and now it's just so boring, imo. I was so disappointed in it 2 years ago when I last rode it. I haven't experienced the crazy back seat air that everyone has raved about though, so maybe that's a game changer.


    I'm heading to the park tomorrow night and for the day Thursday, so I'm gonna give Cyclone another shot. I'm holding out hope that the weather won't be as crappy as the forecast says on Thursday... it's the only time I've had/will have to get to this park this year and I'm craving some Bizarro action!

  3. Glad you all enjoyed my home park! Wish I could have been there the day you were all there, it looked like you guys had a great time!


    I wish the indoor scrambler still utilized all the effects as well. For a while (some years back), they did almost completely dark with only strobes and fog and lots of loud music - it was really awesome. Don't know how it was when you guys were on it, but last time I rode it, it wasn't really dark and it was just some random colored lights. Still fun, but in the dark it definitely gives a different experience and doesn't feel quite like it's just a scrambler.


    I really liked Canobie and felt they had some of the nicest employees we encountered on the trip. That being said, they could really use some better coasters!


    So agreed! Untamed was a good start, but that Corkscrew needs to go and has needed to go for a while. I don't know how many expansion options Canobie has being in such a residential area, but I would love to see them get at least something to replace the Corkscrew... one can hope I guess!

  4. Oh, and I learned that I have been pronouncing Canobie wrong all of my life. The 'o' is silent, and the accent is on the 'Can."


    So you were saying it like Obi Wan CanObie?


    Glad you liked the park, it really is a fun place. And yes, the turn before the lift on the Corkscrew is definitely the best part of the ride, haha...

  5. Great pics!


    The Wonder Wheel looks beyond crazy. I don't like ferris wheels to begin with, but that thing looks terrifying. My parents made me go on the DCA version with the swinging cars and I flipped out, haha... I can't even imagine what the actual Wonder Wheel is like.


    The whole Coney Island area looks really nice, I've never been there... looks like another thing to add to the list!

  6. I know Mind Eraser is popular... I was just saying in my own opinion, if I had my wish, something else would exist in it's place, only because it's one of my least favorite coasters.


    Also, last time I actually rode Mind Eraser (2 years ago), I went on with someone who had never been on an SLC, and not only did it break down while we were in line for it, it broke down several times that day... and when we finally got on it, the overall feeling from the SLC newbie was "Ok, so now I know I never have to go on one of those again," haha... which is pretty much how I feel about it.


    That being said, that is the only time I've ever seen Mind Eraser down, which is more than I can say for Flashback, let alone a ride like Deja Vu with a history of downtime, so ME has them beat there. I hope we hear more about this soon, I'm anxious to hear what SFNE has planned!

  7. ^ I've had similar downtime experiences with Flashback every time I went to the park, even a few years ago. I wouldn't mind seeing that thing gone, it really adds nothing to the park. If SFNE can keep Deja Vu up and running efficiently, then I think it would be a good addition, especially to that area...


    Actually, if I'm really wishing about replacing rides, keep Flashback and put Deja Vu in place of Mind Eraser...

  8. I tried clicking on like 20 random parks on both Firefox 3.8.18 and Safari 5.0.5 and it worked fine on both!


    Very cool feature!


    Side Note: SF New Orleans was one of the random parks I clicked on, and the thumbnails on that one were a little off. The B:TR and Jester thumbnails didn't load for me and the other rides all shared the same 2 pics (don't know if it was meant to be that way though, or those rides don't have their own pics).

  9. ^ Funny, I just emailed Robert and asked him the same question. But mine was more how I'm just so fascinated how the E-Book is quickly taking over! For example, on one of my recent flights, I remember walking down the aisle and seeing just how many iPad and Kindles I saw, and how few actual hard copy books. The stats geek in me would love to know how this has affected book sales, opened up new opportunities to indie writers, as I notice more and more people who I don't recall ever seeing them reading an actual "book", but I see them reading on their tablet.




    I'm sure I'm one of the last remaining people to be going the e-book route - I think most books are coming out in this format first and foremost now, or so it seems. I have no problem with e-books, I love the idea of being able to immediately download a book... the only reason I can think of that I don't own a Nook, Kindle, or even a tablet, is that I don't read enough to warrant having it... I should though, haha. I agree with your point about indie writers, it's a great thing for more stuff to be available, especially niche stuff like this.


    dougstanton - I didn't see that option, thanks!

  10. Guess I'm gonna have to ride Cyclone again when I hit the park soon. I haven't gone out of my way to ride it many times since they changed that first insane drop. Cyclone used to be the only coaster that ever actually scared me to death to ride because of the original first drop. I've ridden it since the change, but can't really recall anything that great about it... maybe I'll check out the back seat if I can - I wouldn't mind feeling that "omfg I'm gonna die" feeling again, haha...

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