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Posts posted by xmichellex

  1. Ok, one more question...


    We are definitely doing the Flash Pass at Great Adventure and were looking to do a Gold Pass, but since we will be at the park for 2 days and the Gold Pass is kind of pricey, should we:


    A) Use the Gold FP for one day, then no FP for the second day?


    B) Use a Regular FP BOTH days? The Regular FP would cost about the same as the Gold Pass, but we'd be able to at least have a FP both days of our visit.


    What is the big difference between Regular and Gold? How much less is your wait with the Gold?

  2. Hey all... I'm an avid reader of this site and love it (since I live vicariously through all the awesome TR's) and thought it'd be the best place to ask some quick questions before I book my trip. Any and all help/advice is greatly appreciated!


    I'm looking to do a Great Adventure/Hershey Park trip with my bf in August - not sure of the specific dates - but it will most likely include both weekdays and a weekend. We have been to Great Adv before, but that was before Kingda Ka and El Toro were there. We have never been to Hershey.


    Great Adventure

    1) We are definitely splurging for at least Gold flash passes, but still were wondering how crowded does the park get on weekends? We aren't sure which park to hit first. I'm thinking Great Adv will be a zoo on the weekend even with a flash pass, but I think this may be what we end up doing...


    2) Is Kingda Ka running daily? We are dedicating 2 full days to the park, and aside from any bad weather we may run into, should we expect to be able to ride?



    1) I've seen on their site that they don't have anything equivalent to a flash pass, so would it be wise to hit Hershey on a week day?


    2) How packed does Hershey get? Are the lines insane? We have never been so I'm not sure what to expect.


    There's a slight chance that we may pop in at Dorney since it's nearby as well, but we're not going to definitely plan on it as of now.

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