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Posts posted by xmichellex

  1. Just played finally! No prize for me though, I suck at this thing!


    Also, the live stream hadn't been working for me either for the last few hours, but the game still played ok. The only thing I noticed was that there were still 6 minutes on the clock counting down to play even though it was actually my turn, so make sure you're at your computer close to your playing time so you don't miss it (time may be slightly off)!

  2. It used to be that when I heard the words "Universal Studios," Jaws and Back to the Future immediately popped into my head... I was sad to see BTTF go, and now this...


    It seems like whenever they take out these older attractions, the newer replacements lack that "magic of the movie" feeling. Too bad. Hopefully Harry Potter will stay restricted to IoA and not invade the Studios. I understand that to stay relevant change is needed, but WTF Universal!?

  3. It's not that we're "unhappy," we're just questioning the motives of the whole plan of moving this coaster to the park. The color really isn't that big of a deal, all that was being said was maybe they could have tried to make it fit better in that part of the park, there's nothing wrong with that. I've been on Deja Vu, it's a mediocre ride (maybe that will change with the new cars?), and imo, it would only benefit from a face-lift or some cool theming around it.


    Bottom line, no matter what SFNE does, or doesn't do, the GP will still eat this ride up and will be a big success. Seems like Deja Vu was a quick fix for this the park for 2012... I'm still holding out hope for an Intamin pre-fab (or at least some sort of awesome new wooden coaster) at point!

  4. My former boss, Phil Ruffin, made a killing off the New Frontier, he managed to bank 200 million off that sale using the other portion to buy Treas Island. He was a tight A$$ to work for, but the man makes money.


    This is pretty awesome. I follow a lot of Vegas and Vegas business news because it's fascinating to me how things work in that city... all the proposed projects, the financial deals, business plans, and how often places switch hands, etc. Must have been cool to see it from the inside.


    *EDIT - I guess I should add that I don't know if you worked for him doing Vegas-related things or not, but either way, it was probably interesting!

  5. Wanted to do a cruise on the Oasis or Freedom this year and it didn't end up happening BUT - I love seeing your updates on here and Facebook! At least I can live vicariously through TPR! Thanks for posting all these awesome pics. That zip-line in Labadee looks like so much fun.


    I'm glad Freedom added the cupcake shop... I'm a cake junkie and it was actually one of my reasons for wanting to go on one of the bigger ships after seeing your Allure TR, haha...


    Have you guys done an Eastern Caribbean cruise? Do you prefer the Western islands?

  6. I immediately went to the Rowdy Rooster (flying scooters) since they are finally back up and running. The park had new tubs built by Sky trams to replace the heavier tubs they run which were built form Bomber gas tanks. The new tubs are roomy and comfortable, have standard seat belts, and are very easy to control. Only down side it the ride still move too slow to snap the car but fast enough that you almost get there.


    This is great news! I was hoping they'd come back!


    Thanks for the haunt review and the pics... might try to get there over the next week.

  7. I smiled all the way through this update - you guys looked like you were having such a blast!


    Knoebels seems like the kind of park that makes you remember why you started loving theme parks and coasters to begin with... the perfect setting and lots of amazing rides that don't have to be the biggest or most outrageous, but that are still just as good (if not better) than the rest.

  8. Hey guys...


    I'm getting close to booking a last minute trip to VA around the 20th of Oct. to hit up BGW and KD. I know BGW gets busy on Saturdays so I was going to go there first and then do KD on Sat & Sun - figured I'd give KD 2 days, especially since it has more coasters.


    Obviously the haunt stuff is going on so there will be crowds, but is it possible for me to get on all the coasters at least once over the weekend? Are all the coasters open during the haunt?

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