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Posts posted by DJeXeL

  1. Because the trains are a newer generation, they have different specs. They weigh different amounts, have different wheel assemblies, and are shaped more aerodynamically. It probably won't make a huge difference in the ride, but it could throw the computer off if one train is significantly quicker than the other. Switching up the wheel compounds could be a temporary solution until 2 new trains are here.


    It shouldn't matter if the trains travel different speeds though. The computer is concerned about times or speeds within a certain range depending if the train is over or under speed. But the timing between the two trains differing shouldn't be a factor. If that was true than anytime you sent an empty train after a full one the ride would error. Coasters run trains with different wheels, therefore different speeds all the time. I don't see why this one would be any different.


    Timing is everything. PLCs monitors how long a train is in a zone otherwise a "timeout" occurs. "Timeouts" and "overspeeds" can be an issue.

  2. I really, REALLY want to be more excited about this as Ghostrider is one of my all-time favorite rides and I would like more than anything for it to be back to how it was on December 8th, 1998. But I'm not sure if this is going to fix it long-term, fix it short term, or change the feel of the ride to the point where it's not as forceful as it once was.


    Same here. We will just have to enjoy it.........while it lasts.

  3. I feel like Universal is getting ruined. First they have the idiotic idea of removing most of the theming on dueling dragons when 're theming' it, then they remove disaster, and replace it with a Jimmy Falon ride, then they remove twister.


    I love how you cherry pick these 3 things (at least one of which is very debatable... especially when we're talking about rides that aren't open yet) and then ignore the fact that during the same time frame they built a really cool Simpsons land, an awesome Transformers ride and 2 of the most amazing themed lands and ride experiences anywhere in the world anchored by 2 of the most incredible rides ever built anywhere ever with Diagon Alley, Hogsmeade, Gringots and Forbidden Journey. How can you ignore all of that and claim that Universal is "getting ruined" because they removed 2 crappy rides in Disaster and Twister?


    I'm not even sure he knows what he's complaining about.

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