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About porisfreak

  • Birthday 09/30/1992

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  1. Hey, I have a question about visiting the park on a Sunday. I know that it's going to be more crowded than on a weekday, (which is the only time I have gone so far) but is it so ridiculously saturated with people that it's not even worth the trip without a flash pass?
  2. Yay! I'm going to Universal in late August, so a ride on this coaster seems almost certain. I'm so happy there's something new to look forward to
  3. I'm 16 and my first coaster was Ripsaw at Camp Snoopy (which would now be called Pepsi Orange Streak at Nick Universe) when I was probably about 7. I remember because I rode it alone due to both my sister and mom chickening out.
  4. While I've had the typical don't-check-the-restraints ops, one particular ride op comes to mind from Mt. Olympus. My group of friends and I were riding the Go-Kart course. Well, once the ride was over I pulled into the station slowly and stopped, but this girl came speeding into the station and rammed right into my car (she probably didn't know where the brake was, considering they never really announced it and she was probably only 12), resulting in everyone in the line of cars getting a quick jolt forward and some nice whiplash. The op proceeded to walk over to my car and yell at me for about a minute, despite my protests that I stopped on time and the fact that the car behind me was totally crooked from hitting me so hard. My favorite part of the lecture was "Were you even paying attention?"
  5. Drop towers in general freak me out...I get ridiculously anxious about 3/4 of the way up even if it's a short fall.
  6. Hey everybody, I'm Liese from Chicago, Illinois. I suppose my home park would be Six Flags Great America, although I've only visited a criminal amount of one time, which will hopefully be increased by the end of this summer. Regretfully, I have not been on many coasters, (still in high school) but I hope to travel more. I tend to be a bit of a lurker, but it's great to join this forum and hear about people from all over the world and their experiences (was that clichéd or what?) Well, see you around
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