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Everything posted by Samy

  1. Hello: How can i change the GTM time? i live in another zone but i can't adapt the colck to my time zone, can i do it?
  2. From yesterday on this forum someone post things like this: http://www.themeparkreview.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=46768 And this: http://www.themeparkreview.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=46771 Is it legal and normal? do you accept this? I only alert you about this.
  3. Samy

    Port Aventura

    Ok when they back i hope to be there.
  4. Samy

    Port Aventura

    Hello: I have one question for you, do you have the intention to go too Port Aventura in Halloween? in case or say no, when do you go? I say this because when you have the intention to go tell me because i like to be with you in the park.
  5. Rock and Roller coaster in DLRP and Walt Disney World.
  6. I know it i do all at is possible but sometimes i do some mistakes its much beter to try than don't do nothing and i try.
  7. Amayzing wooden coaster the lift is really fast
  8. Hello: In the last few days i try to download some videos from the download area of this website, and some of the files don't exist. I explane wen i downloaded the file in win rar i open it but i can't open because it don't exist or it be rong. Why?
  9. Amaising ride here i post some photos farm2.static.flickr.com/1041/1030454037_d79608d8d2.jpg?v=0 farm2.static.flickr.com/1318/1030446603_e2676402c6.jpg?v=0 farm2.static.flickr.com/1306/1031247388_48b6ad33d5.jpg?v=0 farm2.static.flickr.com/1419/1030383533_49a9a95afe.jpg?v=0 And the videoride is very funny i don't understund because the Stampida have the videoride of
  10. Fantastic review i love the park and for me Stampida is the best.
  11. Here i post more photos of this ride, enjoy http://farm1.static.flickr.com/168/371719120_d357b3f7fa.jpg?v=0 http://farm1.static.flickr.com/131/372192505_a8995b976e.jpg?v=0 http://farm1.static.flickr.com/148/371719119_7d7e59aeff.jpg?v=0 http://farm1.static.flickr.com/156/371719117_86a76da1a4.jpg?v=0
  12. Hi averybody here you have some photos of the new ride in Port Aventura (Spain) Enjoy!!! http://farm1.static.flickr.com/168/371719120_d357b3f7fa.jpg?v=0 http://farm1.static.flickr.com/131/372192505_a8995b976e.jpg?v=0 http://farm1.static.flickr.com/148/371719119_7d7e59aeff.jpg?v=0 http://farm1.static.flickr.com/156/371719117_86a76da1a4.jpg?v=0 It's an accelerator with video Ride (DVD) more photos soon (I hope)
  13. Samy

    Upload Videos

    Hello: What i have to do for upload videos? is necessary to upload on a website before or not?
  14. Samy


    Ok i try it
  15. Samy


    Hello a love your web site, one cuestion what i have to do for upload videos or photographies?
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