Last time I went to Lakemont, I rode the German Swings, and I have to say it was a boring ride. The ride operater let the ride run for about five minutes. I'm not kidding. It is not a Wave Swinger but a nice ride to have for a park like Lakemont. For the Skyliner, I have rode it in mostly every seat, and the last three seats gets alot of air time and the last seat gets the most airtime. Personally, I thought the first hill was awesome since I would almost fly out of my seat since I'm small. But I think as stated already, the first hill is the best and you get the most air time out of any of the hills. The seats in the middle are not bad, getting some airtime, and the front seats don't really get anything. But all in all, I like the Skyliner alot, fun coaster. Going back to the Skydiver, I have to say it is a fun ride, I rode the one at Conneaut on June 12. Both time I was a Lakemont it was closed.