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Posts posted by adamico2

  1. I was "only" able to get 80 laps on Racer this year (compared to 95 and 92 the past two years), which I believe was the 4th highest count of the day (too much lemonade at lunch ). A lot of people left for other rides. We had MORE participants this year, but FEWER people on the ride. The good news is, KI raised more money this year than last year, which is what really matters.


    The excitement and energy on the ride progressively picked up throughout the day. I think the afternoon crew helped with that. As always, the event was a ton of fun and a huge success!

  2. ^It surprised me too. That may be why we haven't seen too many large Mack coasters pop up after the success of Blue Fire. I assume the design was for a hyper coaster, but I really don't know. Additional development time/expenses for Mack's first hyper could have contributed to the higher price tag.


    A ride like Helix would be a great fit for Holiday World, though. My best guess at this point is still some sort of launched coaster with a 48" (or less) height requirement.

  3. I am able to purchase a very cheap ticket to Kings Island, valid only Sunday, June 22. For you non-pass-holders out there, I am extending this offer. Kindly make a $25 donation to Give Kids the World through my Coasting for Kids donation page (click the banner below) and send me a PM with your address; I will send you an admission ticket that I believe comes with free parking. Please act quickly; this offer will expire at midnight tonight, Eastern Time. Thanks.

  4. I took one ride and left.


    You and almost everyone else. The line was only about 5-10 minutes long after 11:30. Here is the brake down of my wait times during ERT:


    Banshee (10 min)

    Bat (20 min)

    Banshee (30 min)

    Banshee (15 min)

    Banshee (10 min)

    Banshee (5 min)


    On a side note, the Diamondback crew was launching every train before the train in front of it hit the splashdown. The seat belts don't appear to be slowing down the crew. Also, they don't lock like the ones on Racer, so you are free to float out of your seat until your thighs hit the lap bar.

  5. Banshee exceeded my expectations! Had you asked me after my first two rides, I would have said I still prefer Raptor, but once it warmed up, the ride was hauling. I think I can say with some confidence that Banshee has become my favorite invert. (I have not ridden Montu or Nemesis.)


    The ride has a great first drop (especially in the back right), followed my 2 mediocre inversions. The zero-gravity roll is true to its name and doesn't lack in speed. After that, the ride speeds up and has some serious forces through the batwing/pretzel knot. Positive forces are sustained through the speedy vertical loop. While the ride is overall marginally more intense in the back, the most intense moment you can experience on the ride actually occurs in the front seat, during the turn from the loop to the in-line twist. The in-line twist provided some nice hang time as the ride move very slowly through it. A final, forceful but not as forceful as Raptor's, helix caps off this incredible ride.

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