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Posts posted by adamico2

  1. I'm pretty sure that the Scrambler is being stored in there.


    Now there's an idea for the old building. Put the Scrambler inside the Galaxy Theater, add lights, pulsating dance music and fog and you'd have a new attraction - the "Technodome".


    That would be ironic, since Seabreeze got rid of the same thing (Gyrosphere) a few years ago. By brain still cannot disassociate ELO's 'Fire on High' from that ride.

  2. I don't understand how this could be headlining national news. Local news, sure, but national news!?


    Directly form NBC's news report: "There were no immediate reports of injuries, Luong said.

    Knotts Berry Farm is using its own maintenance crew to handle the malfunction.

    Orange County Fire Authority firefighters were not called to respond to the malfunctioning ride, OCFA Capt. Marc Stone said."

  3. A most excellent TR of what looks like a genuine good start for the Museum. Some of the items that were shown sent me back 30 plus years to my early days of riding... and the original pics of the Mountain View assembly site.


    (You can still see 1775 Plymouth Ave in Mountain View, CA. While the Drive In movies are gone, and things are grown up, the original Arrow site is still there- and as of 2010 had remains of the old testing ground still on site. However, DO NOT attempt to gain entry- it is privately held!)



    I'm going to take a wild stab at it. Mindbender at West Edmonton Mall.


    The wheel that was pictured isn't from WEM's Mindbender, though- as the wheels were intact at the time of the unfortunate accident. In fact, it was the axle/mount that cracked, not the wheel as is a popular urban legend.


    Excellent job, Eric!




    Indeed, that wheel is not from Mindbender. It is from the Jack Rabbit at Seabreeze! (I can't believe I actually remembered that; it has been over a month.)

  4. I've always thought a launched wooden coaster would be intriguing. Not anything too crazy, but a nice 50-60mph LSM launch, perhaps. I'd imagine it wouldn't be too hard to do, you just need some train modifications and possibly steel crossbeams in the launch zone.

    The Gravity Group already has a launched shuttle coaster designed. They are just waiting for some Chinese park to buy it. Timberliners were designed with launching in mind.

  5. Kings Island put on an incredible event; everything was very well-organized. A special shout out to Savannah, Eva, Cody, and the entire Racer crew. They made riding 95 times that much more enjoyable.


    I am so impressed with how much money we were able to raise for this amazing charity and hope that our efforts will allow even more kids to experience the awesomeness that is Give Kids the World Village.

  6. In case anyone missed the e-mail from Kings Island:


    Check-in will take place between 7:15am and 7:45 at the front gate.

    Guests arriving later than 7:45am will not be able to check in until 10:00am at the Racer.

    Enter the park through 1 Team Way located off Western Row and park in the VIP parking lot located across from Human Resources.

    All participants will be given a Coasting for Kids t-shirt which must be worn for identification purposes throughout the event.

    A group photo will be taken in front of the Racer entrance before the event begins at 8:00am.

    Photos will be taken from different areas of the ride between 8:00am and 9:00am. Please attempt to keep one train full during this time period.

    Lunch will be served between 12:00pm and 1:00pm in the International Restaurant. Prizes for the top three (3) fundraisers will be awarded along with the introduction of the Gilkinson family.

    Ride time on the Blue Racer for the event will end at 5:00pm.

    A Beast tour will be available for Coasting for Kids participants at 5:30pm. Please be in the ride entrance plaza area at that time if you are interested in taking the tour.

  7. I actually like that KI started limiting the station to 2-3 trains worth of guests. It makes it a lot easier to spot the shortest line on rides where position doesn't really matter to me. Also, since people generally gravitate toward the shortest line, prime seats (usually in the back for me) tend to have the same number of people as any other seat, which didn't use to be the case, especially on the Beast. Like you said, on rides with seaters, you can always request a specific seat.

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