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About JasonTheRide

  • Birthday 03/16/1985

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  1. I used to think that Shockwave at Six Flags Great America was the greatest coaster ever built. Then again, this could be the result of brain damage sustained while riding.
  2. Seems pretty cool, although Aquatica taught me not to trust concept art so much! Here's hoping they accomplish at least half of what they set out to. With the economy as it is, I worry that they might be cutting back on a lot of what they had originally planned.
  3. Tired of drinking games at Florida State, I decided to take a short weekend trip to Orlando to check out some of the new stuff going in to Universal Studios and Islands of Adventure. Hollywood Rockit is looking pretty awesome, and Harry Potter is looking, well, building-ish (although the area around Potter it is changed considerably). Have a look-a-see PS - This is my first trip report, so please excuse the invevitable screwups! and to finish, a look at the Hollywood Rockit from across the lake this almost-loop reminds me of that former piece of crap at Santa's Village in IL, but I am sure this one will be smooth some kind of lord of the rings float was sitting outside the universal main entrance. anyone know what this is all about? hollywood rockit, as seen from blue man group entrance such a big coaster for such a little man the coaster is instantly noticeable from the main entrance the brake run stretches right over the abandoned nick area (we see you hulk) this grass is so doomed the new amphitheatre looks great rockit peeks over building to check out the new theatre follow instructions and more rockit by twister this looks kind of sexy, if you're into steel and again hollywood rockit soars over the tribune building silly birds waka waka the birds do not appear to approve of wasserman's contributions to the universal franchise the birds decided to decorate the statue this plaque speaks of much has changed a harry potter themed construction wall, spared no expense even the fine print is themed magical legal jargon the temporary(?) bridge around the potter construction area who bombed the enchanted oak? poor flying unicorn is going to need therapy after all of these changes this building is huge brick theming harry poter is in there and again hollywood rockit, as seen from popeye's ship at ioa i know it's been taken 1,000 times, but there is something about hulk from this angle that begs to be photographed
  4. the world (or at least me) wants to know: what kind of camera did you use for these beauties? edit: oh, next time i read before asking
  5. Someone save the Moody Blues dark ride! The rest can burn -- better versions can be found anywhere else, but that dark ride looks so triptacular. What a bummer
  6. I completely agree, I like the DL version much better than WDW's, it is faster paced and more of a true flume ride. The WDW version is fun but it drags a little, and the DL version has a better setup for the drop!
  7. On moderately busy days I could see this going a long way, but during peak times I have a feeling Sea World is creating more trouble than the convenience is worth, especially for the show situations. When I worked there it was absolutely insane how quickly shows filled up during peak times, and even the platinum passholder reserved areas caused near-riots. For a park with so few rides I don't think this is a great fit.
  8. I have been to St. Louis so many times and had no idea such a quirky-cool attraction such as the museum existed. It looks like a chuckee cheeses for adults! How long has it been there? I'm so going next trip.
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