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About theyd

  • Birthday 07/20/1994

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  1. So the soap opera isn't over yet it seems. Find all info here. www.kansas.com/business/retail/story/588601.html ADMIN EDIT: Another terrible post by this user which I've had to fix!
  2. Quote from Sentosa Island development site WOW! Imagine the possible elements on that thing. I think RCT players just wet themselves. What do you think Click here for more- www.rwsentosa.com/en_universalstudio.html
  3. Or 1) A Spongebob themed Eurofighter( Where they stoned?) 2) A Slime themed log flume 3) A Tak themed Iron Hammer. More Info- The deal was struck with RealD to produce the film.
  4. Proof from Screamscape(No copyright intended)- So what do you think?
  5. With IAAPA 2008 only roughly 2 days away I think it's time to start talking about it. What are you guys expecting to see? I hear a new B&M design concept will be revealed. Does any of you plan to go to Orlando for the expo? How exited are you?
  6. Well I'll be frikin doo I was right so how you like them apples
  7. Screamscape Writes Anyone care to try and guess mantas layout in a drawing?
  8. I hear it may take some element's from the Texas Chainsaw Massacre
  9. Wow do you guys think Worlds of Fun Rick rolled everyone?
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