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About nick106

  • Birthday 12/03/1993

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  1. I'm a freshman, and I started last week. Im taking: honors physical science honors English 1 career management success French 1 honors algebra 2 world geography chorus
  2. The Kid Songs video Ride the Rollercoaster was filmed at Six Flags Magic Mountain.
  3. My mother works at Dollywood so I am there every week. 1. Lines in October shouldn't be bad because it will be harvest and gospel festival, and there will mainly be elderly people going to shows. 2.Thunderhead- backseat Mysterymine-Front for view. Back for air. Tennessee Tornado- backseat 3.My personal favorite place to eat is Granny Ogle's Ham and Beans. It is much better than Aunt Granny's. Order either ham or meatloaf. 4. I don't have a picture spot because I never take pictures.
  4. If you come to Dollywood come see my show. I am a shepard in O'Holy Night.
  5. I waited 4 hours to ride Thunderhead opening day. I was on the very first train.
  6. I like round-ups, because I can breathe. Gravitrons make me feel like I have no air.
  7. Timber Tower is still closed, possibly for the whole season.
  8. Dollywood is supposed to get a new coaster next year. When I was there yesterday, they were clearing land behind Mystery Mine.
  9. 13 looping- tennessee tornado when I was 7 non looping- big thunder mountain WDW when I was 4
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