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  1. It's actually receiving a nice refurbishment which it needed desperately.
  2. 2 years ago during the PPP at Knoebels I rode the Phoenix 50x over the course of the day. The legs didn't feel too good the next day.
  3. ^You should have no problem. As long as you get KK and Toro out of the way first, the rest of the park is easy to hit before closing.
  4. It was pretty bad... About 2-3 hours for kk and almost 2 hours for Nitro. It didn't help that toro was running terrible all weekend with trains getting stuck at the bottom of the lift. Thanks to my qbot I got on a bunch of rides. Last operating weekend 2 years ago had fights breaking out and nitros line backed up to skull mountain. I suggest not going the last weekend unless it rains and if you do get a gold q-bot. It's worth it!
  5. 1. Mark 2. Nicole (niiicolaaah) 3. Kyle (raptorboyasu) 4. Craiggers (TokenYankeeGuy) 5. Katie (CoastinKatie) 6. Ted (CoasterFanatic) 7. Derek (DerekRx) 8. Jay (Hercules) 9. Rich (Coaster 05) 10. Melanie (Funkybadger) 11. Larry (larrygator) 12. Heath (Rugged One) 13. Dainan (CycloneMan....possibly going not 100%) 14. Kim (is she on TPR?) 15. Bret (Schmoofy) 16. Chuck(Rider117) 17. Andrew(andrew14) I'll be wearing a toro shirt
  6. 50 times on the phoenix in one day during the PPP. 12 on batman and robin the chiller.
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