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Posts posted by eskater132

  1. The Six Flags chain began in 1961 with the creation of Six Flags Over Texas by Angus G. Wynne at Arlington in Tarrant County, which featured (in the beginning) a Native American village, a gondola ride, a railroad, some Wild West shows, a stagecoach ride, and "Skull Island", a pirate-themed adventure attraction. There was also an excursion aboard "French" boats through a wilderness full of moving puppets. Over time, all of those attractions, except for the railroad, would be replaced by other attractions, such as roller coasters, swing rides, log flumes, and shoot-the-chute rides, as well as an observation tower.


    The chain grew with the acquisition of other parks, such as the Great Adventure Park and Safari in Jackson, New Jersey, and Great America in Gurnee, Illinois, which had been founded by the Marriott hotel chain. The chain of parks changed hands several times, being sold to the Penn Central railroad, then to Bally Construction Corporation, and later on to the Time Warner company, among other owners. The chain is well-known in recent times for large and fast roller coasters, although the queue areas are often in the open air without much shading and without as many props as are typical for some queue areas in Walt Disney World.

    Six Flags Theme Parks Inc. was purchased in whole on April 1, 1998 from Time Warner by Oklahoma City-based Premier Parks...



    Six Flags has gone under many owners!


    What is your favorite?


    Unfortunately missed the Time Warner days as I started visiting Six Flags in 2002...I think Shapiro's doing well...

  2. ^ Oh... yeah... you are right. I always forget about the theater by Judge Roy Scream... as I hardly go down there anymore. But you are right... so a theater is DEFINENTLY not the new addition... but everyone knows is going to be the first 500 ft. Rocket Coaster... known for reliability!


    then my trip to GADV this coming summer would be a waste!!! yaaay.

    At least El Toro is there, and I've never experienced a flying coaster either...

  3. HAHA... yes, I saw your SFOT Trip Report... and it's so true. But to answer your earlier question... they have two indoor theaters. In addition, they have an outdoor "Batman" type theater. On top of that, they have a fairly large outdoor amptheater. So, I think you are right about a show not being the new attraction becuase it says "capital" and the amount of theaters doesn't justify for a new one being built.


    we have THREE THEATRES: Southern Palace, Texas Theatre, and Majestic Theatre

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