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Posts posted by eskater132
I have to agree with a few people on here about Bombay at Wet 'n' Wild in Orlando.
The first time I went on it the attendent said "Make sure you're behind the red line"... so naturally I looked down. As I did she dropped the floor... the only thing you heard from me on the way down was a few choice curse words towards the attendent.
Overall it's a great ride and I've done it many times since.
Also, at Adventure Island (Busch Gardens Africa's water park) they have a ride called "Everglides"
You climb the stairs and grab this little yellow plastic raft that you sit on. You place it on a horizontal platform that has "Rollers" on them. You inch yourself forward and hold onto the handlebars on the side of the yellow raft. The attendent presses a button and the platform tilts forward to about 45°... you fly down the slide, level out and skip across a pool of 3ft deep water... sort of like a stone skipping across the water. It's really fun.
Thanks to Theme Park Review for these photos
Their new ride, "Riptide", is fun as well.
It's a waterslide composed of 4 slides. You grab your raft and go down the slide on your stomach. The first two slides go into a helix towards the left, and the last two go into a helix towards the right. The helixes are enclosed... they all meet up in the middle and then the slides aren't enclosed anymore... you then go down a double dip (Racing your friends or strangers) and level out and come to a stop.
Thanks to Adventureisland.com for this pic... even though it's a crappy pic
Oh, also the one in my sig
Oh, we had one of those at our home park up to not so long ago. an amusement aprk, not a water park. it asnt been oeprating in years, though. rumor says some kid died on it. on one hand I doubt thats true, ont he other, I dont see why else would it be closed all of a sudden if they had no intention of tearing it down?
anmyhow, it has now been replaced with wo other slides, not nearly as steep and cool, but they should take the pressure off the rest of the slides, who usually have too lonmg aof a line.
that slide is also at Hurricane Harbor here in Dallas, it is operating, too, my favorite ride in the park
SFSTL Mr Freeze has been testing this week with new train.
Hopefully will be cleared to run tonight.
I will update in the AM.
got any pics of the new train, or is it the same (design)???
oh, and is it going to have the LIMS facing down like the italian job, or the same?
Nice TR. Did they put that flat in the middle of the path? It looks like they did.
on the edge of a very wide path
FYI, Superman Tower of Power isn't the tallest S&S tower in the world. The 328' tall "La Venganza del Enigma" in Madrid, Spain is.
The topping flagpole on Superman Tower of Power accounts for the park's advertised 325' claim, but the tower itself is only 313' tall with a 245' drop.
Knott's 312' tall (325' with the flagpole too) Supreme Scream actually has a taller dynamic ride (252') than Tower of Power (245').
ya, I've always thought that one was taller just by looking at it, but I decided to believe Six Flags
this is very creepy the way that the cars come in empty!
watch it
You got some nice pics in there. What makes your Freefall the "best in the world" ? I hope that's not a stupid question, but I've never been there so I wouldn't know!
Just an opinion, I love the way the curve on the bottom of the drop catches your stomach
Oh so it's the same as the other Intamin first generations?
yes it is. the first one
You got some nice pics in there. What makes your Freefall the "best in the world" ? I hope that's not a stupid question, but I've never been there so I wouldn't know!
Just an opinion, I love the way the curve on the bottom of the drop catches your stomach
youtube of Runaway Mountain
almost up
comments appreciated
Hey Guys. Well since I am about to go visit the park tomorrow I thought I should update my old TR from a couple years ago. Not much has changed, but originally the pictures were not on the TPR server. Hope ya'll enjoy>
Wonderful Entrance Plaza. Hope ya'll liked the pics
If you go right, you are first greeted by the Looney Tunes
Some good funnel cakes.
Arlington is the new Hollywood
ACME Rock-n-Rocket.
It's fun.
Wildcatter. Replaced by Tony Hawk's Big Spin.
This was a fun ride.
This stage was replaced by Tony Hawk's Big Spin. I liked the atmosphere it created.
Welcome to Boomtown. Home of smells.
Runaway Mine Train and Mini Mine Train
First tubular steel roller coaster. There's an ACE landmark. It's true.
Superman Tower Of Power.
In case you get lost, we have these expensive signs.
Blurred Perspective Shot
Stone. Random.
Caddo Lake Barge. Themed Zamperla flat.
Yeah. It's allright.
There was fire! and now...
This is now long gone!
Thank you Intamin!
Ahh. Enjoy the park. And the ripoffs.
Now on to the other side of the tracks! What's that? Go Karts? No?
Shockwave. Schwarzkopf. Lap bars. Heaven.
Lots of vertical objects! Yay!
Loops through the transfer track!
Superman behind the pole...?
Stupid camera ruins everything. Perfect shot other than the black dot. I'm a poet and you didn't know it.?
This picture was taken right after EXTREME EJECTOR AIR!
Lift hill with only one side of stairs! Scary?
The first EVER back to back loops! meh. But I LOVE SHOCKWAVE!
I want on!
Oil Derrick is a work of art.
This Alamo facade was removed a couple years after this photo was taken.
I love Texas Giant! It's not rough, that's crazy talk!
They bury people in Six Flags!?
A cool place to take a picture.
Now onto RODEO
It's themed...
The ride's OK.
You just saw my favorite section of the park: Old South. This section is similar to SFOG's old south themed area. This Section has an amazing feel to it. It has a great restaurant, Gator McGee's, the heaviest themed Six Flags ride, in my opinion, and a beautiful theatre.
They left to do free labor!
Ben and Jerry's with the waffle cones! YAY!
The side of David Blackburn Southern Palace Theatre.
Try to pay attention to the theming of this ride. The last few pictures were good examples. Six Flags really went all out on this ride, which I believe was then owned by Time Warner.
The exit path
Try to avoid the shack. It means you'll wait a while.
I wish Six Flags would do theming like this today!
Love that theming.
Behind the waterfall looking at people behind me in line. Ha.
Attention to detail gives this ride attention.
Indoor queue
Some history.
Superman Again.
One of the Boy Scout Haunted Houses
Fright Fest preparation and Diner. Now Johnny Rockets.
Yeah. We may have the worst themed Gotham City. It's themed to games.
Snowy's Cones. Would you rather have a launched coaster or an ice cream factory? Well. you get both!
Such a great ride.
Entrance to Wayne Enterprises
The Police Car
Queue fly by. Better than station fly by?
I really want to work there.
Would this logo be considered vintage or old?
Attention all guests: Zumiez
Fans. But still. Good theming!
Batman and Mr. Freeze (SBNO)
So curvacious!
Majestic Theatre Bench
Majestic Theatre
Wildcatter was fun.
Judge Roy Scream. Smooth and not much else!
The Lake (or Pond)? Anyway, it's nice.
I love Johnson Creek!
A nice ride with woods.
Hey! Cheap gas!
I love Scramblers!
Time to ride Titan!
This ride is just great! So much force! Almost too much!
Lift Pic! and camera screw up.
Titan running at 2/3 capacity!
Titan turnaround...aka...relief!
El Sombrero, the ride that those kids threw up on in The Sandlot.
The Six Flags Over Texas. Spain, France, Mexico, Republic Of Texas, Confederate States of America, and finally The United States of America.
Hope ya'll enjoy my trip report!
I saw his myspace and...Oh goodness...This guy is creepy...It makes wonder whether it's all for show or for real...
I saw it too, I don't think it's real, but the general public will think it's real, I personally think it's just an actor Universal hired, and they put a whole production out...it's funny how that the first YouTube movie is deleted, because Universal made him get rid of his film....
so anyone have any idea if this is real?
IOA, only cause I haven't been to BGT/BGA
Titan SFoT, but I've never thought that batman was intense (SFoT) i'll ride it again, i guess it's cause i'm used to the schwarzkopf loops on shockwave...
I googled IntaRide and some site said it is the US Intamin manufacturer.
What is the deal, did Intamin change their name to intaride? I saw it on Maverick's website...
I have a digital camera, it's just that I didn't take it cause of it was a quick 2-hour trip
Which one do you like better
Allright, we took a quick 2 hour trip and we got on all the big coasters, plus Superman: Tower of Power, and Acme Looping Starship.
Titan in the 3rd car has lots of airtime
Texas Giant front seat still has that number 1 wooden coaster feel to it, we got AMAZING ejector airtime.
Batman is an awesome B&M
Acme Rocket is very hangtimetacular
Superman: tower of power doesn't scare me like it used to.
**edit: Sorry about the picture quality, I was moving during most of the pics and it's a cameraphone
wow talk about budget cut
awesome and notlikesilverbullet **cough**
These hick bands were everywhere for the best of texas fest
Texas Giant's Station oh and this guy's head
more good wood
Train and Good WOod
(the) Texas Giant
nice ending
operations are 67%
OOOH cool angle
that helix is what makes titan so much better than that goliath in CA
i dont know why i took this pic
ooh signature under track shot
can you see it?
TITAN Station from outside
a trainload of happy riders on this comfy train
**CAR** on lift hill
entry plaza
They appreciate our season passholders?
any pics of the new trains???
(I've only been to two)
I picked SFoT because it is very clean, it has an awesome woodie , awesome Schwarzkopf . Also SFFT is nice, but it's very hot in the summer, one reason is because it's in a quarry, another is that they have this boardwalk section that is very hot, but SFoT has a good age to it, it IS the original park, also, Angus Wynne(founder) put all his effort into trying to make it like Disneyland. Another thing is that, because of it's age, it has a lot of trees and it was the park with a lot of milestones... Don't argue please, but Mine Train was the first tubular steel coaster, and it still runs fine, log flume, first backtoback looping(AWESOME Schwarzkopf) coaster, and the tallest S&S tower... Oh, and the operations are stellar, every ride op has a smile on their faces and the longest time I've ever waited in line was 1:30 for Titan on spring breakout.
SFoT Visit count: 37
I don't understand why people are nominating Disney as great food. I got a Barbeque Sandwich at that barbeque place by Splash Mountain, It was TERRIBLE!
1. Universal's Islands of Adventure
2. Magic Kingdom
3. Six Flags over Texas
4. Universal Studios Florida
5. Six Flags Fiesta Texas
Sorry, that;s all i've been to
Six Flags Over Texas (SFOT) Discussion Thread
in Theme Parks, Roller Coasters, & Donkeys!
three, or four counting the rangers and outlaws arena