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Posts posted by eskater132

  1. I feel really bad about this...


    But, the good thing is that those TOGO stand ups are the only coasters that I can see tipping over like that, because the seats are topheavy because they are more vertical than the track, so, this probably won't happen on a ride with a wide train or a low train, pretty much like every other kind of coaster!


    Also, a way to completely avoid this is to only ride inverted coasters, you'll just lose your legs...

  2. Update

    Year 17


    The park is evil... They've released a few "clues" as to what the massive installation next season will be.


    The announcement will be this Friday.

    Friday, May 4th, 2007 - The Biggest __o___e__ c_____r in the world is Revealed.

    Fill in the blanks.



    It's the world's biggest floorless coaster.


    I was gonna say rocket coaster...

  3. ^ Good luck with that.


    ^ That made absolutely no sense. Matterhorn runs at a full circuit too. The record is "first tubular steel roller coaster." That definitely belongs to Matterhorn Bobsleds, not Mine Train.


    You're wrong, I've studied buddy, you have no idea because you listened to Disney lie to you and they were a much better known company back then than SF and they stole Mine Train's title; also you don't know very much about SFoT like I do because it is an obsession to me, and it is a very underrated park because people think Texas is just hicksville and it's not at all anymore in Dallas, so shut up you friggin know it alls


    The Matterhorn opened in 1959. Mine Train opened in 1966. By definition, the Matterhorn was "first".




    You're right, but the thing I don't understand is that Six Flags says tubular steel, and Disney says steel, so is Mine Train the first TUBULAR steel rollercoaster, and is Disney the first STEEL rollercoaster?


    I've always thought that above...

  4. I was bored out of my mind today after church; so, I call my friend and we head out to SFOT, and I had to persuade my dad to take us...We only had 3 hours to ride everything!


    The Photos explain the TR>


    better look


    JR construction


    just another Batman photo







    ya, I took this on the ride


    GREAT QUALITY picture of part of the Mr. Freeze building



    that's me, yep, being a comedian as usual...


    Just. Empty.






    I only care about the extra hour if you ask me...


    Ya, Roaring Rapids, WAY TOO COLD to ride


    Tower of Power above the extinct Rangers and Outlaws Show


    Yeah, Matt jumped in there for no reason!



  5. You are stereotyping buddy, congratulations, you are successful in what this country wants you to become.


    I'm not stereotyping, because this stuff actually happens! I do know there are nice ones, it's just that the ones I know piss me off


    Am I missing something? Because I'm on the verge of crying hypocrite.


    You say you don't stereotype the gay community, yet adding a commitment ceremony makes you rally to Six Flags all because of some neighbors that piss you off?


    Hey, that first post was just my mouth talking, not my mind

  6. ^Hey, I wear a speedo in my front lawn and curse all the time and I'm happily married...do you hate me too?


    Guess what, you live next to some jerks. It happens.


    and the ones at my school are loved by everyone because they are just "so cool" because they're different, and one of them was my best friend...


    Now we're getting to the bottom of it. A gay kid stole your best friend and now you're jealous, hurt, and alone. The problem isn't your own insecurity...it's the gay people next door!




    see, you don't piss me off!

  7. ^ That made absolutely no sense. Matterhorn runs at a full circuit too. The record is "first tubular steel roller coaster." That definitely belongs to Matterhorn Bobsleds, not Mine Train.


    You're wrong, I've studied buddy, you have no idea because you listened to Disney lie to you and they were a much better known company back then than SF and they stole Mine Train's title; also you don't know very much about SFoT like I do because it is an obsession to me, and it is a very underrated park because people think Texas is just hicksville and it's not at all anymore in Dallas, so shut up you friggin know it alls


    *I apologize for this post...(hoping everyone doesn't hate me)

  8. WOW! Disney just gave me a whole new way to LOVE Six Flags!


    greats for straights


    Are kids my age really this homophobic? I'm not trying to start a flamewar, everyone's entitled to their opinions (and lo, how this thread is filled with opinions!), but a little open-mindedness woudn't hurt...


    I'm not a homophobe, I just can't stand some of the gays around me, like the ones I know, because my next-door neighbors are gay and they walk around their yard with speedos during the summer,and curse out of control, and the ones at my school are loved by everyone because they are just "so cool" because they're different, and one of them was my best friend...

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