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Posts posted by eskater132

  1. Texas Giant is rough. However, if you ever get a chance to ride it right after the offseason on opening weekend, the ride is simply amazing!


    I will only ride that coaster in the very front seat and probably won't even bother riding it when we're there in a couple of weeks. It's rough and pretty pointless.


    The renovation can't come fast enough! I only hope the 'renovation' involves burning it to the ground and replacing it with an Intamin Woodie!


    Do you know how much El Toro cost?


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  2. Articles: http://watchdogblog.dallasnews.com/archives/2009/07/they-wont-talk-six-flags-over.html




    Six Flags Over Texas now says the Texas Giant roller coaster will remain closed all day today -- the third straight day of a mysterious safety problem at the Arlington amusement park.


    But spokeswoman Sharon Parker won't talk about what's wrong, beyond saying that staff "detected an error with one of the cars on the track."


    What kind of error? "I haven't been given that information yet," she told me. "I'm just holding tight until the engineers provide me with that information."


    Why aren't they telling people more? Parker's response:


    "Our priority right now is getting to the root of it and making sure that we get it up and running safely. To me that's the No. 1 priority. I'm in constant communication with them. When the time is appropriate they will let me know, and I will convey that information to you guys. Until that time there is nothing else to share."


    The ride is scheduled for a $10 million renovation next year, as my newspaper reported in March.


    No major injuries were reported on the ride last year, according to this terrific searchable database published by the San Antonio Express-News. It covers all injury reports that Texas amusement parks must make to the state Department of Insurance.




    A few employees were posting on various sites that the last car of a train on the ride derailed mid cycle. I'm sharing this because some of you guys will be visiting soon. Hopefully the Giant will be up and running for you guys!


    -Cody Thomason

  3. I hope that what they're putting in now are just stepping stone to building those dark rides and themed boat rides that seem to work so well in other parks.


    Yosemite Sam's Gold River Adventure SFoT always has at least an hour wait, it's a heavily themed boat ride, and there's also Monster Plantation. They need more of those. As far as SFoT I'm fine with everything except the TVs in Gotham City and all the ads EVERYWHERE YOU LOOK!

  4. ^


    Yeah, I have to agree that watching Randy Travis perform "Forever & Ever Amen" at the AMA's twenty years ago kind of kills the suspense.


    Yeah, I used to LOVE the theming in Freeze's que. It was creepy and they would blare "The First Confrontation" by Danny Elfman from the 1989 Batman, and then you would get to the station and the lights were dim and it would play creepy ice cream truck music. Now the speakers are silent and the TVs are the only sound you hear. Oh well, the GP can now be entertained by the TVs and the GP are the main customers anyway.

  5. I agree with your commentary about SFFT. I went there a few years ago three days in a row and their operations were horrible. I guess things haven't changed. Also, that park has NO SHADE whatsoever, especially the boardwalk. I loved your video on SFOT, it was really upbeat and it was very positive. I wish though that SFOT would do something about the terribly themed Gotham City. It is just games and early 2000s pop music blaring around, it is nowhere near as cool as SFOGs. They even made it worse by putting televisions in the Freeze and Batman ques, Freeze's line has always been creepy up until they put those TVs in. Ya I know that this is random, but, I needed to share this, lol. Anyway, Great vids, hope you're enjoying summer.

  6. 1. What do you find most useful about the front page?

    I use the forums button a lot.

    2. What do you find least useful about the front page?

    The search bar.

    3. Is anything on the front page confusing?


    4. How far do you scroll down the front page looking for updates?

    I don't really scroll at all.

    5. How often do you look at the front page?

    Every time I get on TPR.

    6. How often do you click on the "whatsnew" link?

    Every now and then.

    7. What would you like to see added to the front page to make your visits to TPR better?

    I think that taking the coaster picture out of the TPR logo and just having a black background to "Theme Park Review Theme Parks - Roller Coasters - Fun"

    8. Anything else you would like to mention? Like any thing else you would like to see us add/change/leave alone/etc?

    Pretty much #7

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