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Rita: Queen of Speed - New High Quality Video!

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Alton Towers have a habit of making unassuming yet spectacular rides. And even though this isn't the record breaking wooden coaster I wanted to see, it's still gonna be damn good.


It's gonna be all about the airtime, which is what the ride is designed for. It looks a lot faster than I thought it would be. I hope the theming just the ride some justice as well. At least they put the bricks back in place.


Tom "And not a car park in sight!" Hardwick

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Interesting. As for the ride, it's REALLY hard to say how it's going to be. I have to go with Elissa's initial thoughts that it kind of looks more like a "hyper Mack Powered coaster" than anything else.


Begin rant.


As for the video itself, I have to say that was probably one of the worst quality videos I've ever seen. Shot from what looked like through a fence or hiding behind a building having a large post in front of the camera most of the time; the photographer seemed to not have a clue on how to work a video camera or the layout of the ride; it was REALLY shakey; 1/2 of the video was with audio - 1/2 with no audio and when the audio DID come on, all you heard some some dumb chick laughing; and then they put the obnoxious website logo almost in the middle of the screen as though having a really awful video is anything to brag about.


It's just a pet peeve of mine, but anything you put on your site should be the best foot forward. I mean there have been plenty of times we could have gotten the 'scoop' on something that we chose not to distribute based on not being up to our own quality level. For example, we got in some VERY early Thunderhead footage last year that IMO, was just horrific. We waited nearly a year until we had a much higher quality video to present. I'd be embarassed to put that on my site, no matter how much of an "exclusive" it is. In 6 months, no one is going to remember this guys bad quality 'exclusive' when there will be tons of really nice looking, quality videos out there.


For us, it's about retaining a high level of quality over any exclusive "bragging rights."




--Robb "Wow...yeah...that was one awful...awful video." Alvey




I agree here...... if Robb had the chance to record the testing of Rita, his video wouldn't be only better, but it would kick serious ASS!


God, the beginning and ending footage, IMO i think was taken from a chairlift tram or Schoolbus, whatever it was thingamajig!



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The End/Beginning Footage was taken from the Skyride.


It was the opening day for Alton Towers on Saturday. But Rita isn't ready for another month when it opens on the 1st April. And Ugland is closed off until then so there's no public access to see the site in a better place.


(It opens to the scummy hotel guests on the 25th March!)


I'm not fond of the footage from the skyride although the one at the end is pretty good showing the launch.

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I agree here...... if Robb had the chance to record the testing of Rita, his video wouldn't be only better, but it would kick serious ASS!


I think Robb was commenting on the first video that was put up, the one you saw with the views from the sky ride was filmed and put up on saturday. It isn't brilliantly done, but it does it's job of showing you Rita is action.


Anyway, I can't wait to ride! I got to see it testing, which was cool, the ride is actually really quiet.

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