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[RCT3] Elitch Gardens

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Like some others here, new to the forum, not so new to the game. Anyway, about two months ago (wow, it has been that long), I decided to recreate Elitch Gardens. Now give or take in those two months I have not been at it the whole time as you can see. But I am far enough that I'll show you what is pretty much done. (For the first sweep that is.)


This first one is looking out over the splashdown area for Shipwreck Falls. You can see the Boomerang in the distance along with sky swing. In front is Half Pipe, a half pipe coaster of course. And finally you can see Tilt-A-Whirl in the foreground.



Here you can see the exit for Shipwreck Falls in the foreground, and looming back there is a pretty good rendition of Twister II. Off to the right is Shake Rattle and Roll, Huss top spin. It is a CFR. You can also see the channel for the falls.



Still panning around, you can now see Half Pipe a little better. (Note to self, support killers needed.) The green thing behind it is Brain Drain, their newest ride for 2014. Bigger in real life, but not much you can do. The building with the blue roof is a game center.



This was shoot just outside the queue line for Twister II. The supports are custom and took about a week to do. (Some work is still needed.)



This is the overall layout of Twister II. It's very tricky but for being default, not to bad. I doubt I'll change the layout anymore due to custom supports. I'll try to get on on-ride POV here soon.



Finally a night shot of Twister II.



The plan is to fit the whole park in here, waterpark included. As you can see I'm using the scenario editor right now, it just gives more flexibility, and you can get a bigger park in. Like the last person here, starting from the Twister II side, it just makes the most sense. Once I'm done (aiming at the latest for end of Summer), I'll see if I can release it. If you have any comments, questions, criticisms, etc, please post. Just remember it's a WIP.

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This park looks decent. I especially love the wooden coaster. However, I would recommend that you rename a peep "David Walsh" and then press Ctrl-U on your keyboard. The GUI should be removed. Your pictures will look nicer. Press Ctrl-U again to make the GUI re-appear. Great start!

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Comparing to my recent two-days-in-a-row trip to the park (I live in the Denver area and this was my 4th & 5th time this season), this looks pretty decent.


Things I noticed:

-Orientations of rides are messed up, but that's RCT3's limitations.

-Most of the queue rails are actually blue or purple.

-Half-Pipe's queue cover is yellow-red-yellow, not grey-red-grey.

-Twister 2's transfer track isn't there (It may have been a space issue).

-It looks like you had trouble fighting Twister 2's actual line inside the structure, because you only have the flash pass queue right now.

-The stair well to the station of Twister 2 is off set by a in-game unit, it is currently a square too far away from the track.

-The stairs themselves are also all on the right of that section of the line, with the left side being flat to the ground.

-Part of Twister 2's queue goes under the ride station.


Good stuff:

-Twister 2 looks great! It would be extremely hard to build that layout and its supports in-game, so you did pretty good for it!

-The other rides are really good looking and their queues are pretty exact.

-Glad you are using a CT for Boomerang (makes the ride fit better) and hope you use one for Mind Eraser as well.

-The Shipwreck Falls area looks really nice!

-I like the paths and foliage so far and I'm excited to see them finished.


Glad you are recreating this park, because it is a pretty great so far. keep up the good work!

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I posted to most of your comments below.


Comparing to my recent two-days-in-a-row trip to the park (I live in the Denver area and this was my 4th & 5th time this season), this looks pretty decent.


Things I noticed:

-Orientations of rides are messed up, but that's RCT3's limitations. Ya, it sucks. I've been using mostly Google maps, but even then I know it is messed-up. lol

-Most of the queue rails are actually blue or purple. Thanks for telling me that. If it isn't any trouble, could you get me a list?

-Half-Pipe's queue cover is yellow-red-yellow, not grey-red-grey. Changing it now.

-Twister 2's transfer track isn't there (It may have been a space issue). That's correct, I could of put a short one it, but it would look weird.

-It looks like you had trouble fighting Twister 2's actual line inside the structure, because you only have the flash pass queue right now.

-The stair well to the station of Twister 2 is off set by a in-game unit, it is currently a square too far away from the track.

-The stairs themselves are also all on the right of that section of the line, with the left side being flat to the ground.

-Part of Twister 2's queue goes under the ride station.

Twister II in general was just a nightmare, especially considering that I had to use Google Maps for most of it. (Which showed next to nothing for the queue.) So for the most part I just guessed. If you have anything visually that would help greatly.


Good stuff:

-Twister 2 looks great! It would be extremely hard to build that layout and its supports in-game, so you did pretty good for it!

-The other rides are really good looking and their queues are pretty exact.

-Glad you are using a CT for Boomerang (makes the ride fit better) and hope you use one for Mind Eraser as well. Heck ya! I'm using CT's wherever I can. Mind Eraser is actually already up. But the LOD's on it make it so you couldn't really see it in that first picture.

-The Shipwreck Falls area looks really nice! Thanks, it is my favorite area so far.

-I like the paths and foliage so far and I'm excited to see them finished. For paths I am using covers, the foliage is a blend of default and CS.)


Glad you are recreating this park, because it is a pretty great so far. keep up the good work!


I live about two hours away in Glenwood Springs, but haven't been there for years. But it is a small park with a relatively easy layout and rides. Your comments are really going to hep me. The one thing I really need though is a building set for the entrance, otherwise it might be a little squarish.


Little update for you guys, I'm working on Disaster Canyon. The layout is complete and I've started scenery. I had to end up using red rocks instead of grey ones so I didn't spend weeks building it. Other downside is there are no rapids either due to the version I used. I still plan to at least simulate the rapids. Pictures should be up by end of the day.




Alright, here is Disaster Canyon, just a few finishing touches and that is good for the first sweep.


What is that I spy behind Shipwreck Falls?



Lots of trees and a new ride!



The trees are thick, but I still plan on putting in more...



From these two on-ride pics, you can see the default trees provide cover (without too many), while CS ones give depth and height.



You'll also notice the red rocks which provide cover for the hideous sides and give somewhat of an in ground feel.



And finally the overview, still work to be done.


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The park looks good! I've never been to EG, so I am not the one to comment on accuracy. However, even after my years of experience in the game, I just found out about the alpha paths! They, unlike path covers, leave shadows on the ground and look so much better IMO. Plus the follows SG's Planters.


Also, try mixing up the varieties in your rocks by using other sets as well. I believe that Weber just released a fantastic medium-sized rock set.

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The layout for Disaster Canyon is decent. In scenery, it is lacking the waterfall section prior to the portion that goes under Shipwreck Falls and it lacks the water shooter-thingy (water blasting of the side walls) that is the portion under Shipwreck Falls. Also, the trees are not nearly that tall in the Disaster Canyon area. I'd also use a variety of colors for the rocks, like the current red, plus grey and tan. The queue line path is going to be really difficult to accurately recreate so I may have to draw in paint what the path is along with Twister 2's line with a map from google maps. Otherwise, it's going well! I'm excited for more updates

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The layout for Disaster Canyon is decent. In scenery, it is lacking the waterfall section prior to the portion that goes under Shipwreck Falls and it lacks the water shooter-thingy (water blasting of the side walls) that is the portion under Shipwreck Falls. Also, the trees are not nearly that tall in the Disaster Canyon area. I'd also use a variety of colors for the rocks, like the current red, plus grey and tan. The queue line path is going to be really difficult to accurately recreate so I may have to draw in paint what the path is along with Twister 2's line with a map from Google maps. Otherwise, it's going well! I'm excited for more updates


Waterfalls and spouts will be going in here soon. For trees, how tall? The best video and pictures I found, they didn't look too far off. For trees, I'm using one CS set, though I might find another. Rock wise, it was hard to go with the red, however, that was the only set I could use without taking years to do it. If you could do that for Twister II, that'd be great.


The park looks good! I've never been to EG, so I am not the one to comment on accuracy. However, even after my years of experience in the game, I just found out about the alpha paths! They, unlike path covers, leave shadows on the ground and look so much better IMO. Plus the follows SG's Planters.


Also, try mixing up the varieties in your rocks by using other sets as well. I believe that Weber just released a fantastic medium-sized rock set.


I am indeed using those Alpha paths for that exact reason, they go with the planter set. (And have a lot of flexablilty because of that. I actually settled on the granite texture because that set had nothing else that came close to black asphalt. See above for rock comment but I will check that set out.


I just hopped on Weber's website and found some goodies, so you might see some major changes next time. Hoping for update soon...

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We shall try again! Here is Disaster Canyon v2 with foliage:


Basic overview. You can also see I replaced the giant flume for the basic splash boats. The reason I did the flume was because it actually splashes down in the water instead of above. In the end though I hated that haul back into the station so I replaced it, liking it much better. Also it has started receive supports.



Here is a nearly identical shot from earlier for comparison.



Up close you can tell there are some gaps.



And finally looking down the line again.



Just as a basic idea to where I'm at, here is a picture behind Mind Eraser. The drop tower is actually smack dab in the middle of the background but due to LOD's it doesn't show up until close.



Lastly, the view from the opposite corner. It is going to be close, but I should be able to squeeze it all in. Beyond Mind Eraser to the right from this point is the picnic area and then the water park. The corner closest will most likely be the wave pool and body slides. I will not say I'm not nervous that it might not make it, but I'm hoping. There may be some tight spots in the end, but we'll see...


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Two weeks already, yesh, time is going by fast. Anyway, not much has been done besides some minor stuff to the river. Planning on working some more tonight. My new goal is to finish this by the end of the month.


Oh, just in case want to know why I'm busy, here is my job :





(Just got trained on the coaster last Friday and ran it on Saturday.)

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Alright, Shipwreck Falls is almost done!


Here is an overview of what I did.



You can see that I replaced the lift with something a little more realistic.



Also, I added the catwalks to the side(s).



And one more detail is that I used a stair set to give the down slope a tad bit of real life texture.



Finally, got this section up on the Canyon.



In some exciting news, my quest for Ghostblasters got a whole lot easier.



I also found a set that includes some pieces for it and the rest I have an idea.


Wish List:


~CT Sidewinder (I may buy NoLimits 1 and do it myself...But let me know.)

~Still looking for a building set that would be good for the entrance.

~The half pipe type waterslide (called Edge, looks like a wing kind of)

~A ProSlide tantrum (whatever that TubeTop thing is)

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Shipwreck Falls looks great! A lot more realism with what you did there! Also, the blasters wall part of Disaster Canyon looks pretty good as well. I'm glad you found the Ghost Blasters layout as well, it makes that a lot easier. I don't know about your wishlist, because CT waterslides have not came out yet, and you may want to get NL1 for Sidewinder. I also don't know what to do for the entrance, either, but I'll guess you'll have to look. Anyways, you're doing pretty well right now!

P.S. I'm jealous of your job!

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Thanks, it took my quite a few hours to throw this together. I've heard CT waterslides haven't been released sadly but maybe there is a slim chance. The Tantrum will be easy because it will be a two in one special (just will not be able to actually run it) but for the half pipe I don't know yet. Maybe someone made a CS?


Oh, and were you ever able to come up with Twister II's cue?


P.S. I thought so.

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For some reason my computer can't take screenshots (It's from like 2006 so that may be it), so if you could take a screenshot of Twister 2 in Google maps or something and email it to me I can trace the line in Paint and send it back. I'll PM you my email.

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E-Mail has been sent, but just in case here is the picture again:




Textual update, Tower of Doom is done along with some stuff near Boomerang. But the major news is with Disaster Canyon. I'm upgrading (hopefully for the last time) to v3. I'm hoping to finish tonight and then post some more.

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Well it seem yet again my last post shows up then disappears again... Alright, so Disaster Canyon v3 is done ride wise. I also have to re-do some of Shipwreck Falls since I lowered terrain. Also Twister II path work has began.



Side not that I will probably be firing up a second project in order to prevent a burnout. It will be a timeline park, but don't worry, I will continue work on this as well.

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Finally, and hopefully for the last time, Disaster Canyon is done.


The complete overview.



A look from the side.



A close up of what I did with the Falls.



The vegetation is thick in here.



And now for some POV from TOD.


I think these little touches make it so much better.



Looking straight up the tower, the clouds just seal the mood perfectly.



Nearing the top we take a look towards the Twister II area.



And finally back towards what we just did.



So what is next you may ask. First I'm going to touch up this area just a tad bit, then it will be on further to the east part. (A lot of trees coming.) Also, Twister II path work will finish up. But before I do that I'm going to start the timeline park so expect that here soon. If there are any shots you would like to see of Elitch's, let me know.

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RR's, only one I could find. Unless the Steel Rides one has less carriages (the RR has double the amount I need) or looks better (I doubt it) I'll be keeping this one. Not to mention the fact I can't seem to find it.

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Steel Rides' Drop Tower also has 5 cages, but it's closer in height (Taller by about 30ft instead if 70ft). Also, it doesn't have the base platform that RR's has (ToD doesn't have the base platform either) and the magnetic brakes on Steel Rides go up about a little more than a third the tower's height (like the real ride), unlike RR's unrealistic 1/6 height for the brakes. The cars, tracks, lifting mechanisms, brakes, and pretty much everything look about the same (so just as good) as RR's tower. I can email you the files if you'd like.

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