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IoA/USF Crazy Road Trip 6/28-29


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This is directed more at Joe than the Alveys, but what the hey, I might as well try it.



I have two days off work, two free 1-day 2-park passes for USF/IoA from a scholarship contest, a fuel efficient car ('01 Jetta), and a few hundred bucks from last weeks paycheck eating a hole in my pockets.


I want to know the proper way to go down to Florida on the 28th and 29th (driving of course) and go to both parks. Those who have done it, please comment on what I have planned so far:


6/27: Get off work at 5 pm, go home, eat, shower, load car up with suitcases packed earlier, take Ambien, and go to sleep.


6/28: Get up at around 1-2 am, pick up my friend, head to Florida (469 miles from my driveway to IoA, about 400 of it interstate). I think I can do this in about 7 hours with only 1 or maybe 2 breaks (also, my car doesn't have cruise control, which is going to suck). Go to IoA and USF until close (10 pm, I think). Check into cheap-ass "3 star" hotel ($34 w/tax, whooohoo!).


6/29: Sleep in very late (noon) and drive home, arriving at 7-8 pm after 2-3 stops.


6/30: Sleep in uber late (3 pm) and go to work (lifeguard) at 5 pm.




How does this sound? I know it involves a ton of driving and tiredness, but I really am feeling some DD right about now (since I missed it when I went in May).

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I'd say it sounds good, but I do have a few comments.


I dont know exactly where you live, but judging from the distance its not the south side of town. Assuming that you are picking up 75 somewhere in metro ATL (whether via 285 or 675 or 85..) and you have to drive the stretch from Atlanta to Macon, I just have to give the warning. Between the perimeter and McDonough, at that time of night there will be cops crawling. Through the many times I have traveled through there between 11pm and 3am, I can't remember a time when I didnt see multiple police cars with people pulled over. Fortunately, you will be going through on a weekday, so it shouldnt be as bad as it can be, but still keep your eyes peeled and limit speeding.


You are doing this smart by sleeping the day before - I didnt do that a couple times, and by Valdosta I was regretting it. 1 AM is plenty early enough to get down there in time for opening, I was suprised that Orlando traffic at rush hour wasnt that bad, aside from the toll booth near I4.


One thing to worry about overnight driving is gas stations being closed - I remember my trip last October almost became a disaster when I couldn't find a gas station in Tifton at 11 PM. Just be careful - Macon, Valdosta, Gainesville and Ocala are all "safe bets". Of course this is pretty common sense stuff but something that could easily be overlooked too.


Arent you pretty young though? I'll just have to assume that your friend is of age to check into the hotel...


But yea, it sounds like youve got your stuff planned well, I hope the trip goes good. It wont be as bad as it may seem, you may suprise yourself and end up doing this more often I miss IOA, I need to head down sometime soon myself.


- Joe

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I live near Athens, so we won't be hitting 75 until Macon. Thanks for the heads up though.


Also, my friend just turned 17 and I'm still 16, however, last time we did something like this was about 4 months ago when we went to Wild Adventures. We booked a hotel online, sent them an email asking if it would be ok for two minors to stay alone, and then prepaid. We also had a letter/note from both of our parents stating that they didn't hold the hotel liable for any injury etc. It worked out great.



And also, I hope to make it to at least Gainesville, since my car gets 400-420 miles per tank when driving on the highway.

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Also, my friend just turned 17 and I'm still 16, however, last time we did something like this was about 4 months ago when we went to Wild Adventures. We booked a hotel online, sent them an email asking if it would be ok for two minors to stay alone, and then prepaid. We also had a letter/note from both of our parents stating that they didn't hold the hotel liable for any injury etc. It worked out great.


To be the total party pooper, entering into a legal contract in this manner with a minor is illegal, no matter how much parental consent they give you. If it works out, great, but I'd be very hesitant to prepay a hotel, THEN ask if two underage people can stay. If they say no, you are out the money you spent on the hotel. Just food for thought.



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^You prepay after you ask them if it is okay. If they say yes, you prepay. If no, then you go back to Expedia or whatever and try again. Also, this is how I'm going to have to arrange a lot of stuff in college, since I won't be 18 until the second half of my freshman year.



I'll be sure to visit Whataburger, although probably not on the way down (I tend to not want burgers at 5 am, but that's just me). mmmm...burgers...ahhhhhhh.

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