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Canobie Lake opener Photos...

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So yeah... I went to Canobie Lake today for the season opener.... It was "43* feels like 36*" so being the smart person I am.... I rode the water slide... Well.. The water was on light so it wouldnt get riders that wet... I was the first rider of the day.. And well... My raft got stuck midway down the ride... after 30 secs a guy yells down the tube at me asking if I was ok and what was wrong... I said "yeah... im just stuck" after sitting in the tube with water still rushing past they turned the water up to get me going.... Well.. That made a mini wall of water rush down the slide and right into my raft.. It didnt push the raft down the rest of the slide... It just pushed LOTS of water into my raft and all over me.... So after some pushing with my feet and hands.... I got myself going... When I pop'd out at the end of the slide like 7 different park workers were standing around saying like "Uhh.. Sorry..." ... I just got all "lolz.. its ok"

So now I get to add a new ride to my "rides I have been stuck on" list


Umm yeah I also rode Cannonball a few times.. Took a lap on Corkscrew.. Rode Starblaster twice and did a few of the flats then left.




Random park update -

Like last year a few of the rides at Canobie got new paint jobs and upgrades..

Cannonballs new ramp


Cannonballs new ramp


New front and paint of the hall


New signs and paint on the bakc of Bee-Bop


New sign at Corkscrew


Land-Sea wasnt ready yet


New stage


New game that replaces the old football toss and basketball


Lost Souls has a new op booth.. The TVs have moved and the line has changed a bit


The logrides line has also been cut shot a bit (bad photo.. but it shows the blocked off area)


Looks like I had fun eh?


Rowdy Roosters got paint... (I dont really like it )


I think this sign is new.. So I took a photo of it.


Bee-Bops new cover'd area (also the burger has been moved on top of it)


Betty Boop replaced the burger inside.


2 new games on the old Rockin Rider site


Twist-n-Shouts new stuff


Twist-n-Shout(tilt-a-whirl) got a line now


Twist-n-Shouts new look


A tree was removed


Random photo of the logride


And dirt... (Where the Bozo house use to be)




And them some panos.. I was just messing around with stitch (big)


Wipeout area




Tall Timber Splash area



Boston Tea Party area


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Nice photos! I was up there in 2003 and really enjoyed the park. Yankee Cannonball was fun, and the Mine of Lost Souls was awesome (I'm a dark ride fangirl). However, I must be blind or easily distracted because we spent all day in the park and I NEVER EVEN SAW THOSE FLYERS.

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