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LV Adventuredome

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Has anyone ever been to the Adventuredome near La$ Vega$, Nevada?


Dione and I will be down there for a few days next month, and wanted to know if this park is worth it.


Also, what about the Stratosphere? Rumor has it the rides are shut down for rehab right now.

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The Adventuredome is definitely worth going to. Go during the week, though; the last time I went was on a Saturday and it was totally jammed with local kids in addition to the tourists.


They have a pretty good selection of rides, though the only ones I'd recommend riding are the Chance Inverter and their only coaster, the Canyon Blaster (as mentioned before, it's an Arrow corkscrew and one of the smoothest coasters I've ever ridden). The last I knew, an all day wristband is $24, which isn't that bad of a deal.





Hope that helps.




PS: I haven't heard anything about the Stratosphere except for that they are in the process of permanently removing their coaster, High Roller.

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I used to ride Canyon Blaster every day for lunch when I worked at Circus Circus. (ahhh, the memories...) The place is worth going to, just for its uniqueness. Been a while since I've lived there, but I understand it's gotten a little expensive.

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Just was there a few weeks ago. Well worth getting the $24 all day pass. You can make it worth buying very quickly. It also is one of the less expensive options for entertainment. I mean consider that Manhattan Express( = American TOGO) is $12.50 for the first ride... Suddenly Adventuredome looks like a great deal.


BTW has anyone else been on the Chaos there? What is the deal with the recording for the ride? Wasn't there a month or so where they changed the theme of the Adventuredome website and stuff? Was this from that period? It just didn't fit at all... Oh and sadly the Chaos wasn't that good IMHO...

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