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Would this make a good motion simulator ride? Your luggage after checking in at Detroit.


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Someone pulled a Robb and put a camera on top of a piece of luggage at the airport to film an interesting POV video of a wild ride through conveyor belts and sorting gates through the airport.  You even get to ride through the X-ray machine.  Now for this to be a ride, they would need extra stunt luggage for near misses and activate more of the sorting gates but it is not boring on its base.  Plus the motion simulator would need to tile, vibrate, and have sudden jolts, with a good sound system it might be fun.  

POV: You're a bag that was just checked at the airport

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1 hour ago, Nrthwnd said:

That is truly an EXHAUSTING piece of POV, LOL! 6+ minutes? Too long for me, ha ha.

I would think you could edit out most of the straight sections.  Stop it from operating in a block mode for a day and let the luggage run into each othe, etc.. for filming. It is definately too long of video but I couldn't find a shorter version, so I would skip to hlaf way through the video  if you get bored.  I just assumed the conveyor belt traveled in a circle to the other side of the wall and baggage was then thrown on a cart and driven to the plane.  I had no idea that there were miles of merging converyor belts with automated sorting gates under the airport.

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