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Luna Park (Sydney) to get modern upgrades

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It appears that Sydney's Luna Park will be getting a $20MM upgrade (probably over a few years) that will include 6 new rides. At this time only one family ride has been announced.




Luna Park set for a $20m facelift, which includes, six new rides and refreshed food offering

EXCLUSIVE, Edward Boyd, The Daily Telegraph

March 6, 2017 8:00am


DAREDEVILS can expect more state-of-the-art thrills at Luna Park with $20 million to be pumped into improvements in the next four years.


The multimillion-dollar changes will see six new hi-tech rides make their home in Sydney alongside updated favourites such as Coney Island, The Rotor, The Ferris Wheel and The Wild Mouse rollercoaster.


Coney Island will slowly be replaced with more modern attractions as Luna Park owner Brookfield Multiplex splashes the cash.


“The experience needs to be refreshed, we have approximately one million visitations per year,” Luna Park chief executive Peter Hearne said. Children’s rides north of Coney Island will be replaced during the upgrade.


The first of six new rides to be built will be the Flying Carousel, which will form the centrepiece of a “family zone” designed to appeal to people with small children.


Mr Hearne was tight-lipped on what the new rides will offer, but said they will be designed for thrill seekers and will use virtual reality and other technologies.

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Mr Hearne was tight-lipped on what the new rides will offer, but said they will be designed for thrill seekers and will use virtual reality and other technologies.[/i]


Not this again.


Anyway, still pumped to see what they're up to! Hopefully the next few years will be a turning point for this park!

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I could have heard that one of the rides is going to be a steel wild mouse that is replacing the current one


The steel mouse is replacing the wooden mouse at Aussie World not Luna Park Sydney. It's hard to imagine a coaster coming as they only have $20mil for 6 rides.

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