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New Opryland Book Dropping

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Just seeing this news this week: New Opryland book about to drop: http://www.oprylandusa.com/ There are also t-shirts available from the website for OL iconic rides - Screamin Delta Demon, Grizzly River Rampage, Chaos, & Hangman! Book signing coming up in Nashville on 9/23. Be there!

Edited by thrillerman1
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Hey man!

I'm the author of the upcoming Opryland USA book. Thanks for the plug! We've got a few book signing/discussions about the history of the park coming up. We'll have some artifacts and rare pieces of Opryland memorabilia, in addition to the choice of a free print of original park shows/rides in the vein of Disney's attraction posters. We've currently only have one scheduled for Nashville at Parnassus Books (you can find details over on OprylandUSA.com), but hopefully we'll have a few more dates to announce soon. I'm working on getting together a larger panel discussion of former park execs, employees, and some of the people that performed in the shows.


I'm not really a fan of my current OprlandUSA.com - I was in a hurry to get the book up online. Look for some updates as time permits, as it transitions into more a fully dedicated blog and wiki. I've got a few former park employees and fellow Opryland nerds that will be contributing too.

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I am so sorry to hear of author Steven's passing this week: http://www.shackelfordfuneraldirectors.com/obituaries/Stephen-Phillips-5/#!/Obituary


I just attended the Opryland book signing with him back in August where he signed my copy. He was so beaming proud of his new Opryland book. 2016 step off! You can order the book here: http://www.oprylandusa.com Lots of great old park photos and documentation in the book!

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