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Video TR: Orlando - October2015

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I recently made a trip with my gal out to Orlando, back in October. We went to Universal Orlando and Walt Disney World. It was... really amazing. We took a bunch of photos and I haven't quite found the time to make an epic trip report, BUT...


I did throw together a video of our trip. It's sort of a vlog/fly-on-the-wall thing and I thought you guys might get a kick out of it. Oddly enough, we didn't get any video of any of the icons of the Disney parks. No castle, no Spaceship Earth. So, I like to think it's a sort of less-seen WDW.


A couple highlights include Stan Shunpike, Trader Sam's, Drinking Around The World, and The Beverly.


Anyway, here it is:






Okay, okay! Here's a couple pictures...











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