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Magic Mountain from Las Vegas?


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First of all, I'm booking a vegas trip, either the 15th-19th or 22nd-26th. I'm only 13 but I will be with my dad who enjoys a fair amount of gambling...


Anyway, In the 4 days that I'm there, should I take the 4 hour drive to go to Magic Mountain, I've never been anwhere close to California, so I would really enjoy it although I'm just wondering if I should spend 1 1/2 days just for this park.


Thanks for helping!


EDIT: Grammar

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If your family is willing to drive you out there and you're a coaster person you might as well as there's not too much left for you in Vegas. I would do it as a day trip. Leave at like 5am, and head out of SFMM around 6pm.

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Make sure you bring a Discover Card so you can get in a few minutes early. It doesn't seem like much, but it really does help you stay in front of the crowds. Also, if for some strange reason it's packed, just get a Flash Pass with all of your dad's winnings!

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