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GoPro questions from KICentral


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^ I think you're asking what you need to do to film rides?


For most big parks, like Kings Island, cameras are NOT allowed on their roller coasters at any time. You would need to contact a member of their PR team, be a production company, and have a reason to come in and film.


It's highly unlikely you'd be allowed to film at any Cedar Fair park.



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  • 3 weeks later...

I will answer too .

Personnaly I own a french website about roller coasters and theme parks, and I've asked a park to film a coaster, and even if I'm not very known yet, they accepted to let me film. I can't guarantee they'll let you if it's for personnal purpose, but I would suggest to send them an e-mail and ask. If you're lucky they'll say yes. Try !

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I will answer too .

Personnaly I own a french website about roller coasters and theme parks, and I've asked a park to film a coaster, and even if I'm not very known yet, they accepted to let me film. I can't guarantee they'll let you if it's for personnal purpose, but I would suggest to send them an e-mail and ask. If you're lucky they'll say yes. Try !

I should also point out that the European parks have much more relaxed rules about filming on coasters than the US parks. What is "ok" for a park in Europe will often get you banned from a park in the US.

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^ Please don't roll your eyes at me.


I should have said, "I should also point out that PARKS OUTSIDE OF THE USA have much more relaxed rules about filming on coasters than the US parks. What is "ok" for PARKS OUTSIDE OF THE USA will often get you banned from a park in the US."


I'm not wrong. Don't be rude.

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^ Thanks for clearing that up. Just so you know, rolling eyes usually is a sign of disrespect or disregard. It's normally used when you think very little of what someone says and you are talking down to them and being condescending.


So your comment came off to me like "Stupid, Robb, I wasn't even in Europe...geez..."

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  • 2 weeks later...

^Cameras are generally forbidden on rides, for safety reasons principally but also because the parks simply don't want to have cameras on the rides and peoples to film them.

For most big parks, like Kings Island, cameras are NOT allowed on their roller coasters at any time. You would need to contact a member of their PR team, be a production company, and have a reason to come in and film.

I think this previous answer from Robb pretty much sums it up. If you have interest, look at this post and you'll see, it's filled with details :


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