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[RCT2] Lakeshore Park

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Hey, everyone! I'm here making a new NCSO park called Lakeshore Park set in the Cleveland, Ohio area.


*My architecture isn't the best yet still practicing. Any comments and criticism is welcome about what is good and bad, thanks for reading!




After Geauga Lake closed in 2007, a multi-millionaire of the area decided the area needed a new park. Around the end of 2008, planning started for the park and in 2009 ground was broke in order to start the construction. Now, in 2013, the park has just opened with only a few rides and a roller coaster. So far, the only area is the "old style" 20th century midway. In the coming years, more areas are planned.


This is Woodland Racer's station. It is an 101ft Gravity Group coaster.


Here is the classic ferris wheel at the end of the midway surrounded by the lake.


Here are the trams that transport guests from one end of the midway to the other.


This is the main entrance to Lakeshore. Inside the building is information and guests services after going through the main gates.


The classic merry-go-round surrounded by the forests that are yet to be used for expansion.


The 101foot climb of Woodland Racer.


The turn around of the coaster that speeds over the lake.


Here is the final helix and airtime hill of the coaster over a small, man-made pond.


Finally, here is a overview of Lakeshore. As you can see, there is still plenty of land available for expansion and new areas.

Edited by CpBluestreakCp
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Great coaster! Absolutely loved it, only thing I would suggest is to raise the final helix around 5ft over the water, it looks like its touching the surface of the water and it might look better just a little raised. But great work so far, can't wait to see more!

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brockboehm- Thanks a lot, it took me a while to figure out a name.

historyfreak92- Thanks, glad you would visit!

hollinwp- I'll see what I can do about that, but thanks as well.



*As well the name of the park had changed to Lakeshore park instead, so some of the picture were outdated in the last post.




Hello, everyone! Lakeshore park has been on the move and adding a few more attractions for guest enjoyment.


Here we added a new Scrambler to our midway.


Near the back of the park, Lakeshore Views had been built in order to provide a terrific look at the park from above.


Two new eateries have been added including this one that let's you eat right on the lake.


And then across from Lakeshore Views there is another eatery with a gift shop inside as well.


Across the lake is Woodland Racer about to embark on its journey through its twisted course. Will it have another coaster to share the park with soon?


Well, it looks like there is a large space with some development and construction going on over here. Could it be a roller coaster? And what kind?


We'll just have to wait and see. Here is a park overview to end it. Thanks for reading and stay tuned!

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Ah that is so cool. Love how the park is progressing. I especially really like the new Scrambler. I like the roofing you did with the yellow structure pieces.


As for the new coaster, I'm hoping for one with inversions! Maybe a Corkscrew coaster would balance the park nicely? That's my guess. Or a Junior coaster of some sort.

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Hello, everyone! Completion has been completed on the new roller coaster installed at Lakeshore Park. The coaster is a used Arrow looper from a distant park, we got quite a bargain on it, just over 2million. It would off been sold for scrap, anyway.


Here is the coaster with the name classicly called Corkscrew.


Closer view of its other half as it speeds over guests.


As it accelerates into the helix then into the final brakes.


Just beginning its twisted ride in this picture.


Quite a transformation from this to..


to this! Looks like a great addition with Woodland Racer, hopefully we'll see them both thrilling riders for years to come.

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Thanks all for the kind words. Lakeshore Park has a big surprise for you all.


Hello again, everyone. Lakeshore Park has been busy working on their newest area called "Hidden Adventures". This expansion, for now, features a kid's coaster (with some hidden elements), a rapids ride, and a new eatery! Though, in the future, the Hidden Adventures area will become home to some new rides. On with the pictures.


Here is the entrance area to the new land, Hidden Adventures. This expansion is a jungle themed area that connects off from the main strip of park.


As you enter, you are immediately greeted by a large man made mountain which houses the newest kid's coaster, Expedition.


Here is the finale of Expedition which speeds right passed the mountain after coming from underground.


The other side of the large mountain and station of Expedition.


This would be the rapids ride called Amazon Rapids. This ride climbs the face of another mountain (which guests walk under) and drops you down into a furious ride.


This is the opposite side of Amazon Rapids. Here you are pushed out into a small lake and end your journey with yet another climb and drop.


The final part of Hidden Adventures is this large building next to Expedition which houses the new eatery and shop. Not only can you come in here to eat and shop, but there is a nice patio on the opposite side of the building that shows great views of Expedition and its riders.


In this picture, you can see the massive amounts of space Hidden Adventures has for further expansion. Expect great things from this area...


Finally, I'll leave you with this aerial shot of the park. Lakeshore Park is slowly growing.

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Hello again, everyone! Lakeshore Park has another big surprise for you with the addition of yet another new roller coaster. This one being named, Carnivore. It is a B&M invert in the Hidden Adventures area.



Woodland Racer was once the only roller coaster in the park, but it is still the favorite. Might Carnivore overtake it?


Standing tall among the Hidden Adventures area, Carnivore takes you on a wicked journey.


After leaving the cave the station is located, you ascend up the lift and are dropped going first through a vertical loop then a zero-g roll high above the path.


Then you soar into a cobra roll at heights way above the park.


You take a moment to pause in the MCBR but are then dropped into a dizzying array of helices and corkscrews. The final element is an airtime hill into the brakes.


As well, added to Hidden Adventures was a little cafe on the banks of the small lake. Guests can eat and watch either Amazon Rapids or Carnivore fly over the park.


A new entrance closer to the front of the park was built for Hidden Adventures next to Scrambler.


As you can see, the Hidden Adventures area going from this to...


this was quite a transformation!


I'll leave you all with another aerial view of the park. Expect more expansion to be happening near Woodland Racer in the coming updates. Thanks for looking!

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  • 1 month later...

Hello, everyone! Sorry for the long delay. I've been busy and just had time to get back to updating this park now. Enjoy!




During its long vacation away from TPR, Lakeshore Park has grown tremendously! But, in this update, we'll only be showing you the newly added Wicked Frontier area. More on the rest of the park soon!


Here is the newly added entrance to Wicked Frontier. It is located off of the main street area between Woodland Racer and the Carousel.


This buildings houses a large food court with many different choices of places to eat! (And I know the sign says Merry-go-round on it, haven't yet had the time to change it)


This is the large log flume ride right across from the food court. It is called Frontier Falls and features 2 drops ranging from 60 feet to around 30.


On the adjacent side of Frontier Falls, we have a little boat ride which you are able to steer yourself as Woodland Racer flies by above.


Across from the boat ride, Timber Mouse quickly navigates its way through the thick woods of the area.


And, finally, we'll end this update with a picture of a little gift shop at the end of the trail....if you look over to your right, you may see a hint as to what is to come in the next update. Anyone wanna take any guesses at what the coaster is? Or the theme of the area?

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