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Elitch Gardens...


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Hello! I think I am going to be visiting Elitch Gardens on Memorial Day weekend. (I know, that is a LONG way away.) But, I just had some general questions about the park.


How are the coasters?


1. How does the SLC compare to other SLC's? Is it pretty rough. or one of the better ones?


2. How's the boomerang?


3. Twister II?


So yeah, I guess I only want to know about the coasters... hahaha Anyway, thanks in advance!

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Hello! I think I am going to be visiting Elitch Gardens on Memorial Day weekend. (I know, that is a LONG way away.) But, I just had some general questions about the park.


How are the coasters?


1. How does the SLC compare to other SLC's? Is it pretty rough. or one of the better ones?


2. How's the boomerang?


3. Twister II?


So yeah, I guess I only want to know about the coasters... hahaha Anyway, thanks in advance!


The SLC is rough, but that's expected. Trying to think of a way to describe it I can say that my GP friends were excited to ride it the first time of the day, and after the third they absolutely hated it. IMO it is a little smoother in the front than the back, but defensive riding is necessary.


As for the boomerang it was a similar situation, but I even enjoyed the first ride. Position is just preference on this ride.


Twister II hurts. My friend and I tried to ride with our hands up but it just wasn't possible at points to suffer the banging. The worst is how the restraint punishes your IT band on your thigh so watch out. I recommend the front, it just gets worse as you move back in the train.


As for the other coasters, sidewinder is a lot of fun that rarely has a wait. It does have the most airtime of any ride in the park, but for some reason during the loop can be a bit rough. Half-pipe will attempt to separate you from your man parts, but is fun.

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I dont know about other people's techniques(!) but if there is a fair bit of padding on the inside of the OTSR i push my head to the right and hold it agist the restraint, it stops your head from hitting the restraint hard because you're already against it!


If there's not a lot of padding, keep your head forward and hope you have strong enough neck muscles!

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I dont know about other people's techniques(!) but if there is a fair bit of padding on the inside of the OTSR i push my head to the right and hold it agist the restraint, it stops your head from hitting the restraint hard because you're already against it!


If there's not a lot of padding, keep your head forward and hope you have strong enough neck muscles!


Well my technique for the SLC at Elitch Gardens is to place my head all the way back then hold on the the padding up top rather than the metal bars they provide you with. I've never fully tried it, but your first idea I feel like would be quite painful as even with a lot of strength it would be hard to hold your head in place the whole ride but I don't know. If worst comes to worse just ride it out, it'll all be over soon enough.

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