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What is human?

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I would say that there is no answer to this. Only that humans are beings. But there are very different people in many different ways, which makes the question you ask seem very difficult to come up with a certain answer. Though there are 2 words I will describe us. Unique and strange.

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I heard some theory on YouTube of all places that got me thinking. It was talking about how humans are the cancer of the Earth. It's true if you think about it from an outside perspective... if you were an alien or something looking at Earth from space, it would be this beautifully balanced mass of blue, green, and white, until you looked over New York City or Tokyo or something. You would stop and go "ew, what's that nasty, smelly, smoky brown mass? That looks like cancer, this planet must be sick!" And it's true, I think humans are the catalyst for the next major change on Earth. I don't think we'll be the end of the Earth. If you look at Earth's history, it is constantly destroying and rebuilding itself every few million or billion years, with meteor showers, ice ages, etc. It's a living organism that evolves and changes even when the organisms within it are wiped out. I think humans are the cancer of the Earth that will act as the catalyst for its next big change. Maybe we'll melt the polar ice caps and drown, and any survivors will die due to the chemicals in the air from the melting permafrost zones, but those new chemicals in the air and the majority of the continents being under water will create a new type of habitat for the next generation of Earth's inhabitants.


Maybe I'm crazy, cynical, and a far-fetched kind of thinker, but it's a fun theory lol.

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I heard some theory on YouTube of all places that got me thinking. It was talking about how humans are the cancer of the Earth. It's true if you think about it from an outside perspective... if you were an alien or something looking at Earth from space, it would be this beautifully balanced mass of blue, green, and white, until you looked over New York City or Tokyo or something. You would stop and go "ew, what's that nasty, smelly, smoky brown mass? That looks like cancer, this planet must be sick!" And it's true, I think humans are the catalyst for the next major change on Earth. I don't think we'll be the end of the Earth. If you look at Earth's history, it is constantly destroying and rebuilding itself every few million or billion years, with meteor showers, ice ages, etc. It's a living organism that evolves and changes even when the organisms within it are wiped out. I think humans are the cancer of the Earth that will act as the catalyst for its next big change. Maybe we'll melt the polar ice caps and drown, and any survivors will die due to the chemicals in the air from the melting permafrost zones, but those new chemicals in the air and the majority of the continents being under water will create a new type of habitat for the next generation of Earth's inhabitants.


Maybe I'm crazy, cynical, and a far-fetched kind of thinker, but it's a fun theory lol.


I have heard this before. Many years when i was in college, i had a Psych Professor that said the same thing. There are plenty of studies out there that indicate Mankinds true destiny is it own self destruction.

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