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So for some odd reason, whenever I try to open a thread that isn't in the "Ask Alvey" section, I get this slightly concerning error (Google Chrome, OS X 10.7).




Now I know that TPR would never, ever, EVER do anything like putting malware on their site, but I am concerned.

Is anyone else getting this error, or know what's going on?

I have tried it on multiple computers in multiple browsers, and I continuously get the error without fail.

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Had the server company do a complete search on the server, and nothing was found. No reference to the URL that was mentioned either. The only thing I can think of is it might be one of the ads that's showing up in your regional area? But it doesn't look like it's anything on our servers. Very odd indeed.

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Unfortunately, a lot of hackers and the like are putting viruses and worms in ads that attempt to install themselves onto your computer via flash or java or other systems. It's mainly a problem on pirate sites, but just about no site or ad server is immune these days.


If you haven't already done so, be sure to ALWAYS have a virus scanner and a malware program running when you're on the net -- and to not forget to regularly update them (if you don't have them set to automatically do so.) You can find most anti-virus software for cheap or free after rebates if you search around. Everyone has a different favorite anti-virus program, and most of them work well these days. For malware detection, the one most experts agree is the best is Malwarebytes, which has a free scanner. The Pro version which regularly watches and blocks websites is often on sale and includes lifetime updates. Both versions have found and cleaned several problems on my system that no other scanner found. And be smart when you're online.


Also, pay attention to what you're doing online. If you get a popup asking you if you want to download or install something don't do so, unless you're absolutely sure that you trust it. Hackers often give use fake warnings to try to trick people into installing their malware!

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