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Gold & Silver : Racers of the West [RCT2]

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Seeing Rockin' America has a black hole and Commerson's Island's work it temporarily done, I figured it would be a perfect time to make a thread for this... so I did


Gold & Silver : Racers of the West


Basically the ride is a dueling, terrain following, wild west themed, Intamin Blitz. More so or less so a combination of Maverick and Cheetah Hunt. The design's terrain is intended to have the feel of the American Mid West, with a dessert, arches, and huge canyon running through the center of the map. The coasters themselves have two launches on each track, one that launches into a tower, and one that launches into a drop. Zero inversions, four caves, several trench runs, and a' whole lot of twistin' goin' on!


Hope you like, critism welcomed and encouraged!


One of the ride's focal points is this high five element located on a bridge over a canyon


Silver's station


This picture is mostly unfinished, but it shows the cat walks on the ride thus a cave


A train bridge, that isn't finished (Well, its finished for me, but not for the park's story)


And to close this post: an overview

Edited by mcjaco
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Thanks everyone! With the ideas and critisim, I think I found something that works! Keep em' coming!


Yes, it isnt looking too good off the ground. Maybe make a tunnel and have it launch upward into the airtime hills there.

I like this idea


For comparison, the old trim and second launch, which was basically and odd really high bridge.


And the new launch, which is within the old tunnels the segment after the old launch dropped into. The coaster now has a small bunny hill in place of the hill the old launch was on, the bunny hill ends with the track going into a cave on the side of the canyon, where it there launches.


I've worked on the twist track area a bit, adding an arch, lake, and small waterfall.


Ride viewing area, that silver rushes under

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Very nice, K&M. The modifications are well worth it- although in light of Verbolten's development, I have an idea...


Where you used to have a LSM launch on a bridge- why not modify that, and have the train eject from a tunnel side- onto a 'covered' bridge effect- and then down towards the canyon/river floor- the ultimate 'Bridge out' sort of effect...


Just my .02 worth-



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