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[Rct3] Mountain King

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I've changed some things about this project and Instead of presenting it as a Park I'm just going to present the coaster. Hope You enjoy.




Mountain King


Mountain King is a Twisty turning Wooden roller coaster that reaches dizzying speeds of 56 miles per hour! This ride will take you up the mountain and spit you back out as youm embark on this thrill ride. Not for the faint hearted. The ride features a station fly through. The POV will still come out on tuesday evening English time.


The first Drop into the valley.


Twisty track


Airtime hill over the lift hill.


Some random Bird.


This little section comes right before the big drop!


POV comming soon...

Edited by tiger01
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Looks great, but I would suggest a bit of foliage/tree variety.
Lake Tahoe dosn't have much tree variety. Look on google. And I went their three days ago and from what I could see there were only them types of trees (and dead ones occasionally).


EDIT: I've put in some different types of trees to even it out. Thank you for your comment!

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