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Six Flags Hills of Adventure [RCT3]

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March 1, 1990


Two years ago today, Six Flags asked the State of Illinois to purchase an unused piece of land. The plot features a large hill with an abundance of trees. Six Flags dubbed the property: "Six Flags Hills of Adventure"


Two years later, the park is ready for the public. The park is still small, but features two impressive roller coasters. The first which is in the 'Asia' themed area is named, " VIROTE " which is "grace" in Chinese. The second coaster is "The Great American Scream Machine. " The park is set to open to the public on April 24, 1990. This season looks like it's going to be fun!


The Great American Scream Machine features Americana themed trains.


Park entrance is only $17.99 for General Admission, or $39.99 for a 1990 Season Pass!


The park features many small eating areas like this one.


"Welcome to Asia!"


Guests can head to sea and ride, ''Pirateer"!


Virote features lap seating, along with quite a few tight turns!


This pagoda really adds to the feel of Asia.


Walking out of Asia, you'll encounter a very interesting, "Magic Carpet" ride.


The Scenic Railway passes through this path.


This area may end here, but the Adventure continues when you turn around!


This sail boat is a nice touch to add to the area.


I hope the sun shines this bright on opening day!


- James Anderson (Ride Operator)

Edited by mcjaco
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Heres the thing, I really like your work. My issue is that EVERY TIME you make a park it kind of gets about 3 or 4 pages, which kind of sucks if you are following the park. Please try to keep a park for a while, cause you have skill and are pretty good with the game if you can make a realistic looking park!

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^ That really means a lot to me. The reason i leave a lot of parks is due to lack of support. Thank you for your support though.


April 24, 1990


Well, it's opening day, and the park is doing very well! All in all, we had little to no problems, although Virote experienced about an hour of downtime due to a system failure. On to the photos!


Showing off the park entrance.


The Carousel is duly named "Grand Carousel."


It looks like the park is planning a pretty huge expansion, I cannot wait!


One of the restaurants is branded as a "Hard Rock", But it looks like it was originally meant to be a "Hard Rock-Cafe" but that was removed.


If I'm correct, a certain "bat like" character may be taking over this area next year.


'Asia' really is the only completely themed area.


Looks like some land clearing was done here too!


Virote is about to thrill some riders!

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June 1, 1990


Well, about two months in to our first season, and construction has begun! It seems as if next years major addition will be a wooden coaster. Although a small detail, both coasters received 'EVAC. Stairs.'


This restaurant has finally received some signage!


These are the EVAC stairs, fairly basic.


Does this suggest some good theming?


Construction is well underway!


I heard some guests saying that Scream Machine's double loops look like a smiley face.


The Scenic Railway is closed for re-routing.


Still nothing over here.


The EVAC stairs are here too!


- James Anderson

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This looks really good bro, I love your architecture and it really has that Six Flags feel. My only two suggestions are...


1) Add some foliage, it can't truly be a theme park without nice trees to alleviate the heat-stroke prone peeps, plus it's just simply nice to look at.


2) It's called Six Flags Hills of Adventure, but I don't see any hills! Give the park a little landscaping, they don't have to be randomly placed mountains,but subtle slopes and slight changes of elevation will give the park a stronger sense of realism...and plus it simply looks better.


Other than that, it looks good, and good jobs on the supports, archy, and everything! Can't wait to see what SFHOA has in store...

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  • 3 weeks later...

August 1, 1990




Six Flags Hills Of Adventure is expanding the park to reach new heights. "GOTHAM CITY" Will include TWO inverted coasters, and a doubly fun dueling coaster! The park expects to open on April 1, 1991.


Something seems... missing.


'Batman VS. The Joker' takes over the skyline!


The Gotham City Amphitheater! (Created by the one and only Laitch!)


Lockers will be mandated.


This coaster was developed by Bolliger and Mabillard.


While some rides are coming in, others are leaving.


This ride is an all new concept by Arrow Dynamics.


'Catwoman's Whip' is the official name of this coaster.


An additional train stop has been added.


At 65 degrees, this is the steepest drop on a wooden coaster to date!


This tunnel will be full of fog!


It's clear what a difference this addition makes!


The park said that the official names of the rides will be released soon.

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