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Dueling Dragons Coaster Question

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I thought that Batman The Ride Coasters were too intense for me. The loop on Batman The Ride Coaster at Six Flags Great Adventure was a very small and compact tiny loop that pulled a lot of possitive G Forces on me.


Does Dueling Dragons, at Universal Islands Of Adventure, have very small loops like Batman, or are they a bit bigger. I know that the loops on the Batman The Ride series are like 60 or 80 ft tall, I BLACKED OUT ON THE LOOPS ON BATMAN. Will I black out on the loops on Dueling Dragons, also, my feet hurt on Batman, will that happen on Dragons too.


P.S. I have ridden Alpengeist Coaster and Great Bear and I loved them both, they were no where near as intense as Batman. What about Dueling Dragons, how are they compare to Batman, especially on the loops, becuase I dont want to BLACK OUT on that too, BLACKED OUT ON BATMAN. So how are the loops on that.


Also, is Dueling Dragons a smooth coaster? Both sides? Also, is Dueling Dragons good, is it smooth? Both Sides? I hope it is. I might ride it this summer. I hate rough coasters, so hopefully these won't be rough.




Please Give Me Advise


Thank You So Much

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^You've had a lot of topics lately that are just simple questions all relating to each other. As your last one was merged into your previous one, just continue to use that thread to post these random questions. Thanks.

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