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[RCT3] Intamin 2nd. Generating Giga

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A few weeks ago I made my way down to Virginia and rode I305. As you can see in my signature, it's my #1 coaster. Being an active RCT3 player I had to make something similar. So here it is! And also, expect many more coasters from me. I'll still be working on American Adventures, but I will make coasters at the same time!


(Is it just me, or does it look like the photo is low quality after I uploaded it?)


I'll be posting more updates showing the rest of the ride being built. I don't expect it to be fully done until maybe mid May. Also, my next track should be up in a few weeks.

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Thanks for all of those replies! I would of never thought people on Theme Park Review would of liked a Giga in RCT3 like this so much!



I have a small update. I only worked on it for a few minutes today so not much got done, but it was worth posting!


Here is the massive lift/drop, and the first turn which now has supports. The second hill will be the next to get supports. You can also see the red roof which is the building where the cable machinery stuff is at.


I couldn't make the supports too accurate because Steel Jungle can't bend the way I wanted it to.


This gives a pretty good look at the lift support brace thing.


Here is one last photo from under the lift near the area where the cable runs looking up at the lift. You can also see some of the cable near the top of the lift.


I probably won't be able to update tomorrow, and on Saturday I'm hopefully going to Holiday World. So maybe Monday?

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While it looks good and is based of the real thing the supports still look a little thin, try to add a second layer like in the real ride, its not just a single piramid on the real intimidator so maybe try to add a some more supports to the 2 towers you already have

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...and I thought some coasters were just impossible to recreate in RCT.


Amazing job already. You actually made it look semi-good, which (as this is RCT) is awesome.

Which forces does the ride pull?


And is the height the same as Intimidator305?

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Thanks for all the replies! This giga is 310' tall.


Sorry for not updating, I have a speech due tomorrow and I still haven't even started! All I did today was add supports to the hill under the lift, than support the first two crazy S-Turns.





I'll try to get another update maybe tomorrow!

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