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Disneyland Resort and Knott's Berry Farm TR

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This past weekend I went to DLR and KBF. It was really cool because I went to Disney on my birthday and got in for free. It was a really fun trip. Anyway on to the report.

We got there on the 21st so we could go to Downtown Disney. Since it was Father's Day we went to the House of Blues for dinner. It was really good and I highly recommend it. So the next day was my birthday. I went to get my ticket and my mom told me we were also going to DCA. I was shocked because I thought we were only going to Disneyland. So we got into the park and went to the Matterhorn. It was cool because we rode the Fantasyland side which I have only ridden once. After that we did the dark rides and pretty much everything in Fantasyland. While walking to Tommorowland my dad found the gold stake marking the exact middle of Disneyland. So we went into Tommorowland and rode Astroblasters and Star Tours. Fastpassed Space Mountain and skipped the 25 minute wait for evil Autopia.

After that we went into Toontown because my sister wanted to ride the mini coaster there. Well she chickened out. She thought it went really fast. It does not really make sense because she has ridden Test Track. What the heck? So then we went to my favorite areas: Frontierland, Adventureland, New Orleans Square, and Critter Country. I rode Thunder Mountain first. I really enjoy that ride it is really fun. One thing I like about the rides there is that they are long. Thunder Mountain is long and themed. Then we went to Haunted Mansion where of course, stupid me, didn't know it went underground. Then we did the switch pass for Splash Mountain. I really love that ride. It has to be my favorite at Disneyland

After that we rode Space Mountain. My sister did not ride that either, to scary for her. It was so cool on that ride because when my dad and I rode we got to be in a transfer. They pulled the train over and loaded. Pulled it back over and went. They were also running A LOT of trains. I give them two thumbs up for there operations. Then we headed to DCA.

The progress there is cool to see in person. I haven't been there since November so I finally got to see the fun wheel and the new Screamin' loop background. I rode Screamin' first. That ride has everything. Airtime, launch, a good sized drop, bank turns,= amazing. We all rode Midway Mania, which my dad beat me by 40,000. He is good at those games. Afterwards we went to to Tower of Terror. I actually like it better than Florida's. It feels like it drops farther. Also you do not know when it drops unlike Florida's the doors open and you feel heat. Then we went to my favorite restraunt for an early dinner. The Storytellers Cafe is very good. I also really recommend this one. After we went to ride the rapids as a family. It was different from what I remember. A lot of rides where different from what I remember. hen we left and went back to our hotel and got ready for Knott's the next day.

I haven't been to Knott's since I was 7, so I rode a lot more. My mom and I went to Silver Bullet first since Ghostrider was closed. I love Silver Bullet. It was faster than what I have heard, and had a lot of G- forces. Then we headed to Xcelrator. I was nervous at first. We were riding in the front. When it launched I was surprised. It was way faster than I thought. At the top I threw my hands up and had a blast I love Xclr8r. We got right back on and rode again and again. Then my mom went to Supreme scream while I rode Xclr8r 2 more times. Then we went to the hat dance which goes WAY faster than the Disney tea cups.

Then we went to Monte. It was O.K, but very rough. Pony Express was next. I HATE that stupid ride It is hurts so much. Then came the rapids. My sister's favorite. Next was lunch at Johnny Rockets.That place was good. We walked around and I rode Bullet like 5 more times. Then I rode Sierra doesn't spin enough Sidewinder. Went and rode the stupid brake ride. That ride is Joe Cools Gr8 Sk8r. Timberline Twister is painful. Then my mom and I rode La Revolucion. It is pretty fun, I guess. Then my sister wanted to wait 40 mins. For the rapids, so my dad waited with her. My mom and I rode Screamin' Swing which is awesome. Then 40 mins for Perilous Plunge and Xcel one more time and left the park.

2 Day Conclusion:

Matterhorn x2

GadgetGo coaster x1

Thunder Mountain x1

Splash Mountain x2

Space Mountain x2

California Screamin' x5 ( Are they going to finsh paintoing the sun? )

Silver Bullet x6

Xclerator x8

Montezooma x1

Pony Express x1

Sierra Sidewinder x2


Thanks for reading my first TR

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I'm glad you liked Thunder Mountain but you didn't ride Indiana Jones?? West side of the park (Adventureland, Frontierland, New Orleans etc...) is my favorite part of the resort too and carries the most history. It was only by chance that I ended up working in this area.


Ohh, and the sun on Screamin' is done being painted, it looks a little light-colored and unfinished but its because they shine colored lights on it at night.


Great first TR by the way!

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