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Should we have RCT competitions

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yup, the official post starting the competition should be up VERY shortly




there are no design elements that are off limits, unless the rules forbid them, but this wooden contest has no rules forbidding them

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Okay, so will you have more details on changing the excitement ratings for soaked?


Yeah, all the details you'll need will be on the post when it is made. Which should be very soon now.


Okay, I thought I'd have a go so this is my first proper attempt at this.


This was made in Regular RCT3, and as I'm crap at naming coasters unless I'm theming too (the theming gives me ideas ) it's called Woodie of Death. (Which is better than what I WAS going to call it, Test )


I'm really happy with how the loop turned out, it has just enough speed to get round and leaves you looking towards the ground for a few seconds. The spiralling helixes turned out pretty good too I thought.


Finished off with the traditional Water Splash and that's about it. There was still some space left to play with but I didn't want to fill every grid square for no reason.


What does everyone think ?


Just out of interest here are it's stats in both RCT3 and Soaked!:



Excitement: 7.09

Intensity: 7.90

Nausea: 4.59



Excitement: 6.37

Intensity: 7.88

Nausea: 4.58


The "Woodie of Death" from a decent viewing angle.


Aerial view of the "Woodie of Death"

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Thought I would just share my attempts... I've got Soaked installed so needless to say hitting 7 is a little close to impossible... But hey I thought I would get some feedback anyway. BTW if you guys want me to post the track file just ask.


Front View of the Rampage


View of the Back of the Rampage

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Thought I would just share my attempts... I've got Soaked installed so needless to say hitting 7 is a little close to impossible... But hey I thought I would get some feedback anyway. BTW if you guys want me to post the track file just ask.


Very cool coaster, the figure to achieve for excitement in Soaked! is likely to be 6.3 so you are extremely close with what you have so far.


It looks very crazy with lots and lots of banked intertwining drops. VERY COOL


Love how different peoples coasters are looking !

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You know the thing I don't get is the ride is 1:32 and the thing says it pulls 23 seconds of airtime... :shock:


I just don't really see how that is possible...


Well it's likely the messed up Soaked calculations, Frontier really seem to have messed them up.


Hopefully they'll fix it in a patch soon-ish. I made an official bug post on their forums.

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Well i wanted to post the SAMPLES that were made for the contest, I have an RCT3 and an RCT2 coaster




just a demonstration of 15x15 coasters in the citeria





here's an RCT2 coaster


here's the sample RCT3 coaster

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LOL, sorry, no, but that is an AWESOME coaster



its all the steep drops, if theres anywhere to place brakes you might want to try that, but it just looks intense



awesome though

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I know, I was just kidding. I'm working on it now. But the excitement will be raised since I have soaked, right?


MAN, 6.99 in SOAKED!!!! that is incredible coasterdude, that would be in the High 7s in RCT3 definitely.


It's a shame that the intensity is so high, I doubt you'll be able to get that down and keep the excitement up because of the Soaked calculation bug.

You definitely should be able to beat the 6.3 excitement needed for Soaked! though with a lower intensity.


REALLY cool looking coaster though Good Job!

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